I am translating Dai Hongci‘s diary. He is describing an Austrian school for young nobles (貴冑學堂). The above has a slightly unexpected word order. I am wondering, whether I understand it correctly (as grass interwoven into a thick mattress) , or whether 織草 is a plant name (cotton or something).

Below are the context (sentence by sentence), my German translation, as well as my rush attempt at an English one. A photography of a print, which I appended below, can be found here:

格致器械室、藏书室,藏籍颇富。/ Das Zimmer mit den naturwissenschaftlichen Apparati sowie die Bibliothek bergen zahlreiche Bücher. / The room with the natural sciences equipment and the library room contain plenty of books.

观马房,旁为练马场。/ Besichtigung der Stallungen. Daneben befindet sich das Übungsgelände der Rösser. / Inspection of the stables. Next to them there is the training ground for the horses.

堂后因山为园,林木优胜,织草为茵。/ Hinter der Schule, an die Berge grenzend, ist ein Garten zu finden. Des Waldes Bäume sind zahlreich und florieren, die Gräser wachsen dicht wie eine Matte./ Behind the school, adjacent to the hills, there is a garden (or park). Its trees are numerous and flourishing. Its grass is thickly interwoven as a mattress.

TLDR: I understood 因 without 草字頭 as 連接, adjacent because of the Song poem: 水边小丘因古城, 上有巨竹数百个

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1 Answer 1


织草为茵 (Weaving grass into a carpet/ grass is woven into a carpet) is the literal meaning

It figuratively describes the scene as 'densely grown grass look like a woven carpet' (you can imagine it was very short grass)

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