I have been thinking for a few months about what I would like to use for my name when I go to teach English in China next spring. I have read many blog posts and tips about choosing a Chinese name, and have compiled a short list of options, but don't have any Chinese friends (yet!) to review it and I'm paranoid about having picked a "dumb" name.
For my surname, I've picked 林 (nice and easy to remember for me!), and my top given name choice is 彩兰. I have a few other options using 彩 for the first character, but 彩兰 is my favorite (both because the written form is simple enough for me, a beginner, to write, and because of sound and meaning). A couple other options I have are 彩霞, and 彩晖.
I would greatly appreciate any feedback on this choice! Also, if it is not a terrible name, I would appreciate guidance on how to explain the characters when introducing myself.
Note: My English name is Caitlin, and I'm much more attached to the letter "C" in the spelling of my name than to the sound /k/ at the beginning of it, so even though it feels silly, it is more important to me to have a pinyin "c" at the beginning of my Chinese name than to start it with a /k/ sound! I'm strange, I'm sorry.