I'm struggling with the reading and the translation of a computer text, precisely concerning cloud computing and the history of computing in general. In particular, there is one sentence that is causing me several problems.
"20 世纪60 年代,计算机水平低、成本高,只能建以大计算机为中心的机房,通过联接功能简单的终端共享计算机,以虚拟技术把大计算机资源分割给以终端对应用用户使用,这就是集中计算模式"
I marked in bold the part I consider more problematic. This is the proposal of Youdao but I don't think it's quite enough: "By connecting simple terminals to share the computer, the large computer resources are divided to the application users by virtual technology".
How would you translate it? Suggestions? Thank you :)