There is this passage from a Korean Confucian Yun Hyu, where he discusses relation between 理 and 動: 理動之說,非某之說,朱夫子嘗屢言之矣。今得數條別錄以上,乞以此更入思量,如何。
I am at loss with "今得數條別錄以上" this part. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
it would be:
now (今) [i] got (得) several (數) tidbits (條), separately (別) recorded (錄)) for (以) submitting (上 —> 呈上)
“條” referred to paragraphs ( groups of several sentences, less than an article)
have fun :)
btw: your reading material is quite interesting, may i know the name of your book? 😻
Without reading the whole text, I have to make some presumptions.
I presume:
理 = 理論 (theory)
動 = 行動 (action)
說 = 說法/論據 (argument)
The arguments between theory and action is not my arguments, Master Zhu has mentioned them repeatedly. Now I have a few of them listed separately above, please take them into consideration, how about that?
今 - now
得 - (I've) got
數條 - (論據) - a few (arguments)
別錄 - separately listed
以上 - above
以 - to
上 - submit
條 is a classifier for 論據