I would like to request for some insights on the usage of the phrase “… 嚟講”.
I have heard this being used in so many ways, one being “對我嚟講” as speaking for myself.
What could be other possible uses and please provide grammar points?
對我嚟講 is Cantonese for 對我來說 in Mandarin
[對]我[來說], = [for] me, (from my standpoint,)
對我來說,錢不重要 (對我嚟講,錢唔重要) = for me, money is not important
對他來說,名譽大於一切 (對佢嚟講,名譽大於一切) = For him, fame is more than anything
對他們來說,結婚害多於利 (對佢地嚟講, 結婚害多於利)= For them, getting married does more harm than good
The correct character for 嚟 is 來 even in Cantonese (來 read as 嚟)
"對[n]嚟講, + statement " = "for [n], + statement"
The most common usage of this phrase is as 1. a declaration phrase that introduces a statement to follow. 2. a topic marker that marks the noun in it as the topic