European dictionaries such as the Webster's English Dictionary or the Oxford Dictionary often have detailed etymologies of each word entry, together with dates of oldest attested usage and history of each affix; either this, or the strongest conjectures thereof. Why is it that Chinese dictionaries have nowhere near this amount of etymological information? At most, scholarly dictionaries might have information on individual characters. For example, they might say 破:形聲。从石,皮聲。本義:石頭開裂, or copy an entry directly from the Shuo-Wen-Chieh-Tzu (說文解字).
However, for words of two or more characters, I can hardly find any etymological information. Some words, such as 剎那 are described as being from Sanskrit, but how old is the oldest attested example of its use? Was the character 剎 created solely for translating this word? How about 電話? I have been told that this two-character word is from Japan; but when was it first coined? When and why was 幾何 repurposed to also mean "geometry?" Barely any of this kind of etymological information can be found in Chinese dictionaries. Etymological dictionaries of Classical Greek and Latin are hundred-fold more detailed, so its seems that despite being dead languages, the histories of their lexicon are more alive than that of Chinese.
I know of a dictionary called <<近現代漢語新詞詞源詞典>>, a copy of which I don't have, but given the name of its title, I am guessing that it only contains etymological information on words recently coined. How about older words, such as 駱駝? Where can I find etymological info on this? If Chinese is truly both a classical and a modern language, then I would expect its etymology to deserve better treatment than this. By the way, I do not include four character expressions here, because the etymologies of four character expressions tend to be much more detailed.
I am also aware of the 漢語大詞典, the best dictionary I have. It is the next best thing, but it only includes examples of word uses from relatively famous authors or archaeological discoveries, so I don't know whether the oldest known examples of them are among the printed examples. For words of foreign origin, it is lacking information on countries from which they were borrowed and dates of borrowing.