As the question says, Im wondering if this 成語 has an English version.
The best I could come up with is "I feel you" in English, but I feel the Chinese version has a deeper meaning. Any suggestions?
感同身受 an idiomatic way to say "(empathetically) feel"
你的痛苦我感同身受 = I (empathetically) feel your pain
你的失望我感同身受 = I (empathetically) feel your disappointment
烏黑蘭人的痛苦波蘭人感同身受 = The Poles (empathetically) feel the Ukrainians' pain
"empathetically" is redundant in English. When you say you feel someone's feeling, it is always empathetically, not actually
"empathetically" - 感同身受地 (adv)
"I can empathetically feel your pain" - “我能感同身受地感受到你的痛苦”
"I can feel your pain" - “我能感受到你的痛苦” (it is the more natural way to speak)
"empathetically" is redundant in English