CC-CEDICT: 安详 (ānxiáng) serene
Regarding the above word, my Chinese-Chinese dictionary (现代汉语规范词典 "GF" in Pleco) cautions me 注意:“详”不要误写作“祥” (despite CC-CEDICT including it). While 祥 doesn't make too much sense, it seems to make more sense than using 详 in 安详.
CC-CEDICT: 详 (xiáng) detailed / comprehensive
CC-CEDICT: 祥 (xiáng) auspicious / propitious
I asked ChatGPT, and it said:
"安详" (ān xiáng): This term means "peaceful" or "tranquil." In this context, "详" serves as a phonetic component, providing the pronunciation "xiáng."
I'm skeptical about this claim (phonetic components refer to character components, not whole characters). But maybe ChatGPT has a point, and it's just a character that has the correct pronunciation, and I should ignore the character's meaning.
Question: Why is it written 安详 and not 安祥?