To your question, I think 拖累 is /tuo1lei4/,拖累 means the same as 累 /lei4/. For example,
这孩子真累人. /lei4/
这孩子真拖累人. /lei4/
我被这孩子拖累着, 哪里也都去不了. /lei4/
There are different denotes in various dictionaries. For example:
《國語辭典》: 拖累(注音: ㄊㄨㄛㄌㄟˋ, 拼音: tuō lèi)
《现代汉语词典》: 拖累(拼音:tuō lěi, 注音:ㄊㄨㄛㄌㄟˇ)
I personally disagree with 《现代汉语词典》. The reason is that, in fact, 累 has 3 tones and each tone has a quite different basic meaning.
(1) 累 /lei2/ as in 累赘 /lei2zhui4/ or /lei2zhui0/, an extra burden. The meaning of /lei2/ is logically linked to /lei4/. I am not sure if it is a "change of tone due to tone 4 followed by another tone 4".
(2) 累 /lei3/ Accumulation, To add on it.
他进城打工三年, 积累了一笔钱.
重复词:累累 /lei3lei3/ 这个恐怖组织罪恶累累. 秋天果树上硕果累累. (uncountable)
成语:危如累卵. /lei3/ one egg on top of another. 淡泊名利, 不为物累 /lei3/. Do not pursue the material interest. Do not set it on top of your objectives.
(3) 累 /lei4/ (1) (adj) tired. (我今天很累.) (2) (verb) to make someone feel tired, or someone is made tired. (你别累着了.)(这个工作不累.)(3) (verb) make trouble for someone. 你不要连累我们大家.
Sometimes people use them interchangeably. It may be due to local dialects, sound changes in a compound word, or other reasons.