So traditionally, translating relative clauses into Chinese involves treating the relative clause a a modifier for a noun and putting the modifier in front of the noun separated by de/的.
I.e. a structure like this: NP→(DP) S + DE (的) + (ADJ) N.
For example, wǒ zuótiān mǎi de chē/我昨天买的车 - "the car that I bought yesterday".
However, I came across this sentence in my DuChinese app:
- hòulái fāshēng le liǎng jiàn shìqíng shēnshēnde cìjī le tā
- 后来发生了两件事情深深地刺激了他
- "then two things happened that deeply upset him"
In this sentence, the relative clause "that deeply upset him", i.e. shēnshēnde cìjī le tā/深深地刺激了他, is placed after the noun that it modifies, namely the "two things" liǎng jiàn shìqíng/两件事情. In the way, we're traditionally taught to translate relative clauses, the sentence would be 后来发生了两件深深地刺激了他的事件.
So I wonder if there's a general grammatical rule that allows for these kinds of patterns?
I'm not sure topicalization applies here, because if it was simply topicalization, we would move the 事件 up, still leaving the 的 hanging at the end, i.e. 后来发生了两件事件深深地刺激了他的.