Tatoeba has the sentence


wherein 结尾 is being used as a separable verb. Honestly, before seeing this sentence, I didn't even realize 结尾 could be used as a verb.

CC-CEDICT includes a verb definition for 结尾:

CC-CEDICT 结尾: (jié​wěi)​ ending / coda / to wind up

But ChatGPT thinks it's unusual:

... In the sentence "这个故事仓促地结了尾," the usage of "结了尾" is a bit unusual. The more common expression would be "故事仓促地结束了" (The story ended hastily). ...

And it has been hard finding examples of 结尾 being used as a verb online, such as at YouDao and Baidu.

My Pleco dictionary ("GF") has a verb definition 结束;完成最后的工作; one example sentence is 这件事由我来结尾。

Question: Is 结尾 a (separable) verb?

Maybe it's worth knowing this rare usage exists, but I shouldn't use it or I'll get marked down.

2 Answers 2


If you search the corpus, "结了尾" exists but is very rare:


结尾了 is much more common:




I think "结了尾" is corrupted from "收了尾". As verbs, both "结尾" and "收尾" can mean to finish something. However, 收尾 is officially a separable verb and "收了尾" is more common than "结了尾":



Also a few phrases derived from 收尾:

必须承认,王传志是个很能干的人,为国家做出了重大贡献。部党组希望他能收个豹尾 。(豹尾 is used to describe a strong, remarkable ending.)

我狂热地写作:十幕剧,收不住尾的长篇小说,一卷又一卷短篇小说,大量的诗歌。(收不住尾 = unable to write an ending to a novel.)


Is 结尾 a (separable) verb?

Yes. Per 汉典:

  • 結 <动> - 植物生长果实, 结果(bear fruit)。

  • 结尾 - 结束(ending/terminate).

Similar words - 结(了)案; 结(了)婚; 结(了)帳

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