I'm looking for a Chinese translation of this 格言:
English: Soft abstraction is not an ideal, it's a reconciliation!
German: Weiche Abstraktion ist kein Ideal, sondern eine Versöhnung!
What is meant with this to give context for a possible Chinese translation:
Soft abstraction, a certain art style, not quite in opposition to hard abstraction, but rather in addition to it, is not meant to be an ideal way of painting which excludes and dominates other ways. It also does not claim a moral superiority or to educate the viewer.
Rather, it's a reconciliation or synthesis, in order to bridge a gap or dissolve artificial boundaries between the seemingly contradictory different art styles which were at times in opposition.
It's a new way of thinking by painting which emphasizes the manifold of possible matters, but not their ambiguity, regardless of the quality of their execution.
On a personal and emotional level of the artist, it's a reconciliation with a past of naivety and ascetics which takes place in the aftermath, in the creative incarnation of the third reality.
Preliminary thoughts on a possible translation:
Soft abstraction is a fixed term which is usually translated into Chinese by 软抽象绘画. Ideal, I would translate by 理想事物 - in regards of the word choice I've learned and figured out in my previous question on Nietzsche, to generate a resemblance for the Chinese audience with known texts, and because it's exactly what is philosophically meant.
For "reconciliation", I've no idea. The Pleco dictionary pretends the Chinese language doesn't have an equivalent word.
The German "sondern" in the German version of the 格言 could be translated as 而.