What is the correct Chinese translation of:
English: the aesthetics of dawn
German: die Ästhetik des Morgengrauens
The aesthetics of dawn is one evoked on a philosophical level in the first two aphorisms of Nietzsche's "Morgenröte" which explain the title of this book. I include them as a reference picture for you below and recommend you to read.
After a long epistemological quest in the darkness of the underground, the author rises to the dawn of the living with a high degree of need for sharing of his new insights.
On an artistic level, we understand by this term the aesthetics of the light of daybreak, which makes white look blueish, red and brown almost the same, and gives everything a dimmed and darker touch. This is reflected in the paintings by an often black background and color mixtures which are dominated by one substance with a tint of another. You can see ample examples of this in my series 从布局到软抽象绘画.
The predominant color black represents in the realm of abstract expressionism the end of a "rite de passage", the end of "die andere Nacht", and marks the new beginning of a new era in the œuvre of an artist (cf. this PhD thesis and references therein). We speak exactly about the period after these rituals which are characterized by "black paintings". But the aesthetics of dawn have something in common with them, namely, just as in Nietzsche's case, they carry the insights of what was before, enriched with new ones, expressed by the use, among others, black shapes.
Preliminary thoughts on a possible translation:
I would suggest the Chinese translation 黎明的美感, but I've not read the Chinese translation of Nietzsche's "Morgenröte" to check if this fits and produces the desired concordance with the book. Except this, I'm not a native speaker of Chinese and can't judge the appropriateness of this translation in general.