I would like to know the Chinese translation of the German word "Mensatüte".
German people who a bit older will remember the so-called "Wundertüte" from their childhood. This is a paper bag for children filled with sweets and other surprises, like little gadgets.
In 2013, the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf was distributing so-called "Mensatüten" to their students for free at the university restaurant.
Here, the word "Mensa" means university restaurant (French: "resto u" in a colloquial way) and could be translated to Chinese by 食堂 according to my experience, although a 食堂 is a canteen not limited to the setting of university but can be your employer's canteen more general as well. If you would like to choose another word for "Mensa" or to be more explicitly by saying 大学食堂, feel free to do so.
Now, a "Mensatüte" is similar to the former "Wundertüte" a paper bag distributed at the "Mensa" to students instead of small childrens and filled with more mature surprises like little snacks.
I remember there were chips and little cans of drinks in it, and maybe a chocolate bar.
Preliminary thoughts on a possible translation:
If I were to translate this, I would say 大学食堂红包, but I'm not sure if this is comprehensible in the intended way as the "Mensatüte" is neither an envelope nor does it contain money.