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We recently were going through a relatives belongings and we came across this beautiful painting wrapped in handmade paper, can anyone help translate any of the symbols or point us to where we could find out?

  • I've asked this on 百度知道. Both 2 answers agree that the words are: 梅幸 扇舍, but nobody knows the meaning. I personally think they are names. Commented Jun 6 at 16:16

1 Answer 1


I saw this entry on Wikipedia, which contains the two keywords mentioned in the question: 尾上梅幸 (6代目).

六代目 尾上梅幸(ろくだいめ おのえ ばいこう、明治3年(1870年)10月15日(新暦11月8日)~昭和9年(1934年)11月8日)は、歌舞伎役者。屋号は音羽屋、定紋は重ね扇に抱き柏、替紋は四ツ輪。本名は、寺島 栄之助(てらじま えいのすけ)。

扇舍閑談」(『名優藝談』所収)川尻清潭編 中央公論社 昭和11年(1936年)

Maybe it's related to the topic.

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