**I have two paintings that*were definitely done by the same artist but I presume were signed with different forms of the artist signature. One is signed "Bai Shi Shen Ren" (Qi Baishi) but the one on this image says something different. Both have identical artist seals. Is this another one of Baishi's names?
it is 柳橋熊楠 , never heard of this name, and can't find it on the net. only found the name 熊楠 who is a Japanese writer, doesn't seem to be the author of this signature– Tang Ho ♦Commented Jun 25 at 23:47
Wow! That's interesting! This is a Japanese name?– AODCommented Jun 26 at 1:18
@TangHo that first character is 柳, this is the same seal as chinese.stackexchange.com/q/58508– dROOOzeCommented Jun 26 at 1:31
Yes. That was my post.– AODCommented Jun 26 at 1:41
It would be a big help to know whether or not this is Japanese script or Chinese script– AODCommented Jun 26 at 1:49
2 Answers
I checked the stamp. It reads:
4印桥2(digits are the sequense)
this four characters, namely, 柳桥之印, means the stamp of 柳桥(an actual place)
As is mentioned by others 南方熊楠 is living between 1867.4.15 and 1941.12.29. While 齐白石 is between 1864.1.1 to 1957.9.6.
The fact that 南方熊楠 is close to 孙中山 at that time, means that he does have access to some of the paintings of 齐白石.
However, do note that 齐白石 is not the only person identified as 白石山人. In fact the name “白石” was given to him originally by his teacher, according to an obscure famous artist 白石山人, so take heed.
See this old wiki page:https://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%BD%90%E7%99%BD%E7%9F%B3&direction=next&oldid=181943
(I don't know why they removed the part of the origin of his name, like it's not important, come on.)
1Great job Ecne! I'd sure like to have access to information on Nanfeng Xiong Nan.– AODCommented Jul 20 at 18:05