I'm looking at the word:
CC-CEDICT: 为期 (wéiqī): (to be done) by (a certain date) / lasting (a certain time)
Most examples I've seen are like this:
The course runs for five weeks.
but with various nouns and time periods. It seems it is also possible to use the 以……为…… construct, such as in Pleco's example:
for a period of three months
So there's two ways of phrasing it, 为期[time] and 以[time]为期.
Using the 以……为…… construct, we can form phrases such as 以教育为主 or 以农业为基础. I'm not sure if it's legitimate to mimic the grammar for 为期 and thus form phrases such as the following:
以三天为期 → 为期三天
以教育为主 → 为主教育
以农业为基础 → 为基础农业
Maybe 为期 is a special case, in that we can say 为期[time], but we can't do the equivalent for 为主, 为基础, and so on.
Question: Does the grammar underlying 为期 generalize to 为主, 为基础, and so on?