When trying to translate "cognitive delay" in terms of one's neurodevelopment, I have come in terms of both 迟缓 and 延迟. However, I am having difficulties differentiating the two, if there are any differences.
My understanding:
迟缓 (slow) = 因为发育较慢而导致的延迟
slower speed (tardy) + falling behind others
Generally is an chronic issue (慢性疾病) with slowness in development in a specific nature. (i.e. intellectual disabilities)
- 认知迟缓 (Cognitive Delay / Sluggishness)
- 语言迟缓 (Speech Delay / Sluggishness)
- 发育迟缓 (Developmental Delay)
延迟 (delay) = 因为外部因素而被退后
later start (postpone; time related) + falling behind others
Delay in reaching specific milestones in developmental stages. Such as in a child's progress. It can be caused by a range of other factors. (i.e. language barrier, lack of background knowledge, etc...) Itself does not necessarily indicate a disability.
认知延迟 (Cognitive Delay)
(more accurate in contrast to the first)
语言延迟 (Speech Delay)
运动延迟 (Motor Delay)
While both sounds similar, but I hope I did not misunderstand in any.