Matthew 7:7 马太福音 7:7
Chinese Union Version 和合本 (Old version)
= 寻找,就寻见
Contemporary Chinese Translation 现代中文译本 (New version)
= 寻找,就找到
You should understand that Chinese language do not have rigid grammar structure like English. That's why it is very easy to make a poem in Chinese with the same number of words in each line. Something of the same meaning can be expressed with many different words, like 寻 and 找, both have the same meaning, but they are put together into a phrase 寻找 to make it sound nice.
寻找 = find
就 = then
找到 = found
In the example, the English can be "seek and you will find", or "seek and it will be found", but either "you" or "it" are ignored in the Chinese version.