How usually native chinese speaker pronounce the “的” orally in “他妈的”? Is it "Ta Ma De" or "Ta Ma Di"?
7 Answers
The only correct answer is "TA MA DE".
This is the equivalent version of "F**K" in Chinese. I never hear people pronounce as "Di".
Thinking it in other way, it will be too soft and feminine if it's pronounced as "Di". It supposed to be strong and speak with hatred.
@Sherlock Actually one other correct answer would be, if you are at this level, then do not say 他妈的 at all. Commented Dec 3, 2014 at 0:14
"他媽的" is a brief form of "他媽的屄(bi)", where 屄(bi) is a noun, meaning = woman's sex organ (may be offensive for somebody)
So the pronunciation of 的 here should be /de/ in neutral tone.
Should be De, although 的 can also be pronounced as Di, but it has a different usage, such as 的確, 目的.
The 的 has two kinds of pronunciation, De and Di. Different pronunciation is used for different cases.
In 他妈的, the 的 is pronounced like: De, which makes the whole thing: Ta Ma De.
I never hear people say Ta Ma Di.
In case you didn't know, 他妈的 or 他麻痹(Ta Ma Bi) means Mother F**ker in English.
Hope this helps!
De and Di and both accurate. Di is more colloquial.
What do you mean? I would say this expression is very colloquial in itself, so saying that one pronunciation is more colloquial makes little sense to me. Commented Jun 6, 2014 at 2:05
De or Di would both work depending on the regions of China.
Ta Ma De
is the correct pronunciation. In fact, even if it is used in other non-swearing contexts (meaning His mom's), it is normally pronounced asTa Ma De
as well.