I've recently discovered that in Chinese, adjectives can function as verbs. An answer on this site stated that "all adjectives in Chinese can function as verbs".
This was obviously an interesting discovery for a Chinese learner like me, and I actually never noticed that this sentence lacks a verb, yet it's one of the first that we learn:
or another simple sentence like:
But both sentences show like the "verb function" is served by "很" and not "好" or "高". As far as I can tell, "很" is an adverb not an adjective. Same with this one. "Not" is an adverb, not an adjective. Yet we have the same phenomenon:
So am I missing something here? Am I being too strict about that "adjectives" or am I misjudging something?
By the way, I'll take advantage of this question to ask: are really all adjectives able to be stative verbs or are there exceptions?