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Questions tagged [adverbs]

Questions about adverbs (副词 - fùcí), i.e. a part of speech that can modify verbs, adjectives, clauses, sentences and other adverbs, but not nouns.

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19 votes
7 answers

Stative verbs in Chinese: only for adjectives?

I've recently discovered that in Chinese, adjectives can function as verbs. An answer on this site stated that "all adjectives in Chinese can function as verbs". This was obviously an interesting ...
Alenanno's user avatar
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5 answers

这就是台湾,这才是台湾. Cracking the 就 again

Many moons of my struggle with 就 and 就是 maybe finally over. But still I need help from natives and others. There is a book out there with a title: "这就是台湾,这才是台湾" Once I saw that phrase I thought that ...
coobit's user avatar
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14 votes
7 answers

What is the difference between using 光 vs using 只?

What is the gramatical difference between 光 and 只? 光剩下2毛钱 does not have the same meaning/context as 只剩下2毛钱 It seems there is more emphasis to the part that comes after 光. When is the right time to ...
Krazer's user avatar
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5 answers

Can all adjectives be transformed into adverbs with 地?

In Mandarin if you use 地 to an adjective, it can change into an adverb. For example, 我真喜欢你健健康康地长大。 他舒服地躺在那里。 Now I wonder whether all adjectives can be transformed into adverbs in this rule. Is this ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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3 answers

Can an adverb modify another adverb in Chinese?

I was wondering if an adverb in Chinese can be used to modify another adverb. I looked some resources but I could not find it. For example, in Adverb in resources.allsetlearning, they just say "...
Puco4's user avatar
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5 answers

How does 也 work in 宁愿冻死也不穿?

In the following sentence: 很多人因为害怕穿秋裤显胖,宁愿冻死也不穿。 What does 也 mean in the sentence? The entire sentence should mean something like the following: Because of the fear that wearing one more pants ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the difference between 好多 vs. 很多?

I'm an ABC and I find myself often using 好多. I was talking to my dad yesterday and I noticed that I said it, but something just didn't seem right. Is this correct or does it not make any sense? I'm ...
MC10's user avatar
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2 answers

What is important to consider while building an adverbial phrase? [closed]

As far as I know, in Chinese, the adverbial phrase is put right in front of the verb and its purpose is to describe the verb. Sentence pattern: S adverbialphrase V O What are the rules to put a ...
meireikei's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it OK to use 只 (only) when it already uses 只 as a measure word?

In the following sentence: ”银座养蜂项目“始于2006年,目前在银座的三个大厦屋顶都设有养蜂场,各有20-30万只蜜蜂。 The sentence means: "Ginza Bees Project" started in 2016. Now the roof of all three buildings in Ginza have the bees ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is 讲 where it is in 他英语讲得很好?

I was doing a sentence rearranging exercise and came across this: 他英语讲得很好。 Could someone explain the structure of this sentence? I feel like it would be more properly written as: 他会说英语说得很好。 I ...
jdods's user avatar
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2 answers

Use of 真的 as adverb: are 我真要走了 and 我真的要走了 equally correct?

I came across the sentence: "我真的要走了". I am wondering why it has the 的. I didn't know 真 needed a 的 to be an adverb, or that it was even ok. Is it equally correct to say "我真要走了"? Or is "我真的要走了" ...
jdods's user avatar
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1 answer

Why can 地 sometimes be omitted when placed after adjectives?

I thought that 地 is attached to any adjective to form an adverb. In the case of 大声, why would you say 大声唱歌 (sing loudly) instead of 大声地唱歌? Is this because 大声 is originally an adverb (loudly) instead ...
Kian's user avatar
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3 answers

When should I use 地 with an adjective and when should I not use it with an adverb (and why do some adverbs require 地)?

I got quite confused these days with the grammar rule that adds 地 to an adjective to make it work as an adverb. My basic understanding is that you must add 地 to make an adjective work as an adverb, ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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4 answers

What does 一番 mean in 与5年前相比翻了一番?

In the following sentence: 调查显示,32%的海外民众认为中国是对世界经济影响最大的国家。与5年前相比翻了一番。 一番 might mean "one time" (at least my dictionary on macOS says "一倍" while Pleco only lists "one kind"). However, 翻 I believe ...
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