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What's the meaning of 聊起 in 马小姐正在和她的好朋友李太太聊起这个男人的事情

I found a sentence from a story which goes: 这不,马小姐正在和她的好朋友李太太聊起这个男人的事情。 The word that I don't fully understand is “聊起”。 I know that 聊 means to talk and 起 means to rise, but that just doesn't make ...
user26257's user avatar
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In how many ways can we say "go straight ahead"?

I have heard 一直走(Yīzhí) and 往前(wǎng qián)走, but it seems the online translators prefer 一直往前走(Yīzhí wǎng qián zǒu) or 一直向(xiàng)前走 (if we're going forward)... From the above which are the most ...
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