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Help understanding the Min song 追追追

Cross-post notice I already posted the question here, but have since received only one helpful answer, which promised "more later" but never came back with "more". Since it's been ...
MickG's user avatar
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About the last non-repeated sentence in 爱人是行船人

The Min song mentioned in the title has the following lyrics (conformed to the "guidelines" of 台湾闽南语常用词辞典): 在阮的心目中 伊是一个男子汉 在阮的一生中 只爱伊一人 伊的船只已经欲出航 毋知何时才会阁再入港 虽然装着笑容 来共伊相送 阿~~心爱的人 ...
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What does 閣 mean in "愛情你比我想的閣較偉大"?

I'm confused what 閣 means in the song title "愛情你比我想的閣較偉大" by the band 茄子蛋. When I look it up in a dictionary, I get things like "pavilion" or "chamber", which don't make ...
dibutin's user avatar
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Translation/meaning of 叫阮的名 song by 巫啟賢 [closed]

What is the meaning/translation of the song lyrics. I grew up listening to this song and it brings me great memories. However, I do not know Hokkien. If you are willing to share or point me to a ...
Moonshine45's user avatar
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Help translating Min nan song 男人的汗

The song is 男人的汗, which I added to Lyricstranslate some time ago. The lyrics: 人生行到遮 | Lîn-sing kiânn kàu tsia 地位亲像山 | Tē-uī tshin-tshiūnn suann 才知神仙 | Tsiah tsai sîn-sian 也孤单 | Iā koo-tuann 性命越头看 | ...
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Two questions on a sentence in a Min song

The sentence We are looking at the first sentence of the part of Liû-lõng kàu Tām-tsuí sung solo, which is typically found written: 扞着风琴提着吉他 双人牵做伙 According to my research, noting that I ...
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