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5 answers

麻油Q米血 on a menu in Taipei

For lunch today in Taipei I found a small street food place near my hostel. On the menu was this item: 麻油Q米血 Here's a photo of the relevant part of the menu: 麻油 is sesame oil, 米 is rice, and 血 ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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3 answers

Difference between learning Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese Hokkien for visiting Taiwan

I'm planning on visiting Taiwan as a tourist for about one week next year. Both Wikipedia and Wikivoyage say that Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese Hokkien are common languages there. What advantages ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
7 votes
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Tàu-tīn vs. tsò-hué in Hokkien

According to 臺灣閩南語常用詞辭典, both 鬥陣 (tàu-tīn) and 做伙 (tsò-hué / tsè-hé) mean 一起 (though the former is also explained as 一块儿 and the latter as 結伴、偕同). I was therefore wondering what differences there are ...
MickG's user avatar
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Hokkien pronunciation of `白头偕老`

白头偕老 is a set expression in Mandarin, meaning to get old together, in a loose translation. I found it in a Hokkien song called 牵阮的手 (Mandarin 牵我的手, English While you hold my hand). In the linked video,...
MickG's user avatar
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Are there any multi-syllabic words in Chinese without a glottal stop?

Are there any words in Chinese of 2 more syllables where there isn't a glottal stop between the syllables such that each syllable is not pronounced clearly, that a final consonant and initial ...
kwaalaateimaa's user avatar
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What are the original Chinese characters for the Filipino-Chinese family name Suico?

The book Life in Old Parian says the Cebuano family name Suico has Chinese origin, and I'm looking for the original Chinese characters. I'm trying to narrow it down based on the Hokkien pronunciation ...
James Cagalawan's user avatar
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What is the etymologically correct character for the Min-Nan words for meat (bah)?

In both the teoswa and hokkien, the common word for meat is pronounced something like /baʔ/. I.e., it has a voiced initial stop (not like pinyin "b") and a glottal final. This doesn't seem ...
Stumpy Joe Pete's user avatar
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Correct spelling of Min word

I have come across this song recently. I understand practically all of it. My question is specifically about one word. At a certain point, the lyrics go: 二項要選擇啥 Now, according to 台灣閩南語常用詞辭典, a ...
MickG's user avatar
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Min 毋免: m̄-bián only, or possibly m̄-mián?

This word is found in 爱拼才会赢, where I hear it as undoubtedly m̄-mián, yet when I look it up on 台湾闽南语常用词辞典 or on Wiktionary, I only find the pronunciation m̄-bián. So I was wondering: is he getting it ...
MickG's user avatar
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Help understanding the Min song 追追追

Cross-post notice I already posted the question here, but have since received only one helpful answer, which promised "more later" but never came back with "more". Since it's been ...
MickG's user avatar
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About the last non-repeated sentence in 爱人是行船人

The Min song mentioned in the title has the following lyrics (conformed to the "guidelines" of 台湾闽南语常用词辞典): 在阮的心目中 伊是一个男子汉 在阮的一生中 只爱伊一人 伊的船只已经欲出航 毋知何时才会阁再入港 虽然装着笑容 来共伊相送 阿~~心爱的人 ...
MickG's user avatar
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Is reading Mandarin text straightforward for speakers of other varieties of Chinese?

I'm travelling in Taiwan right now and I'm curious about the Chinese writing situation. Verbal announcements in all public transport are repeated in Mandarin, Hokkien and Hakka, but I only ever see ...
escargot agile's user avatar
1 vote
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Hokkien `綴` vs. `共`: compare and contrast

According to my reference, both 綴 (tuè/tè) and 共 (kā) can translate from Hokkien (alias Min Nan) to 跟. What is the difference between the two?
MickG's user avatar
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What does 閣 mean in "愛情你比我想的閣較偉大"?

I'm confused what 閣 means in the song title "愛情你比我想的閣較偉大" by the band 茄子蛋. When I look it up in a dictionary, I get things like "pavilion" or "chamber", which don't make ...
dibutin's user avatar
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Taiwanese/Hokkien For Kids: 我的面真古錐

I came across a website about five or six years ago teaching Taiwanese/Hokkien for kids. I believe the title was: 我的面真古錐 And it went something like: 我的面真古錐 兩蕊目睭 Actually looking online the entire ...
Mou某's user avatar
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Spoken unsubtitled Min in a (now deleted) Youtube video: characters?

Long ago, I ran into the song 媽媽歌星, and in particular I have a download of a video where there were two spoken parts in Min, without captions. It is rather unfortunate that the video in question is ...
MickG's user avatar
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In which parts of Asia do they speak Hokkien Chinese?

In which parts of China or Asia can you find Hokkien speakers? Also, where can you learn Hokkien Chinese?
YoungerDryas's user avatar
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What percentage of China speak Hokkien/Taiwanese?

The top 5 languages spoken in china are: Mandarin Cantonese Hokkien Shanghainese Hakka But I can't find what percentage of China speak Hokkien
Mellymagic's user avatar
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Hokkien female name "In"

Chinese Indonesian here. I've been trying to figure out how to write my wife's Chinese name in Chinese. It has the word "In" in it, but neither she nor he parents know what that means (go ...
Si Kuncung's user avatar
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Translation/meaning of 叫阮的名 song by 巫啟賢 [closed]

What is the meaning/translation of the song lyrics. I grew up listening to this song and it brings me great memories. However, I do not know Hokkien. If you are willing to share or point me to a ...
Moonshine45's user avatar
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About a line in 爱拼才会赢

Here are the full lyrics of the song in the title as found here, where a video is also found: 一时失志不免怨叹 一时落魄不免胆寒 那通失去希望 每日醉茫茫 无魂有体亲像稻草人 人生可比是海上的波浪 有时起 有时落 好运 歹运 总嘛要照起工来行 三分天注定 ...
MickG's user avatar
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地位 sounds like tek-ui or te-kui: singer's mistake or lyrics should be different?

In the Hokkien song 男人的汗 (Min title 查埔人的汗, lyrics here, there is the following line: 人生行到遮 地位亲像山 It should sound: Lin-sing kiann kau tsia    te-ui tshin-tshiunn suann Instead, in the ...
MickG's user avatar
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Help translating Min nan song 男人的汗

The song is 男人的汗, which I added to Lyricstranslate some time ago. The lyrics: 人生行到遮 | Lîn-sing kiânn kàu tsia 地位亲像山 | Tē-uī tshin-tshiūnn suann 才知神仙 | Tsiah tsai sîn-sian 也孤单 | Iā koo-tuann 性命越头看 | ...
MickG's user avatar
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Two questions on a sentence in a Min song

The sentence We are looking at the first sentence of the part of Liû-lõng kàu Tām-tsuí sung solo, which is typically found written: 扞着风琴提着吉他 双人牵做伙 According to my research, noting that I ...
MickG's user avatar
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About an extra sentence in a Min song in a CD

光盘上在这首歌的结束又多一句话:“na li bo sua tsong lai thi pue tua”(若你无线总来?袂大?); maybe “tsong ai”, maybe “na bo sua”…就是“若你无线总爱紩袂煞” | Nā lí bô suànn tsóng ài thīnn buē suah | 如果你没线总要缝不完… but it sounds like it ends ...
MickG's user avatar
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Hokkien name to Mandarin

A friend of mine has a Hokkien name of 'eng leng' (leng is long and means dragon). However, I have no idea of this 'eng'. This name was given by her ancestor who is really passed. So I am helpless ...
Blizax Truka's user avatar