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Questions tagged [mandarin]

Question specifically about the Mandarin dialect. (Not for arbitrary questions that happen to involve Mandarin.)

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Turning a few phrases into completed state i.e. past tense

"When did we leave?"- Which of the following a,b,c,d are correct? a) google translate says 我们什么时候离开的 wǒmen shénme shíhòu líkāi de b) a comment from stack exchange (I cant login/comment back) ...
Roosty Boy's user avatar
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Some questions (in green text) to complete my 2 A3 pages on telling time in mandarin

I am creating 2 a3 pages for telling time in mandarin. Most of it is completed I just need help with some questions (green text). Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks ps. source:, ...
KiwiLearner's user avatar
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Why is it hard to get 考虑 from the keyboard?

I try to enter "kaolu" on the windows chinese keyboard and also on Google translate and hoped that I would be able to quickly find what seems to be a common word but no, it is hard. Am I ...
user55570's user avatar
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Why do "-n" endings sound like "ng" sometimes in Mandarin?

I have been listening to many native speakers and it seems that in certain contexts, the "n" and "ng" final consonant sound are pronounced very similarish that I can't distinguish ...
a Ko's user avatar
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In Mandarin can you say 我告你 to mean "I'm gonna tell on you"?

(instead of the fuller word 告發) I ask because in Cantonese, when I was in school, I heard it quite often - I don't speak it well (it was an English-language school so I was fine) but I'm quite sure ...
Chris Sanders's user avatar
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Is 李飞 a reasonable name in Chinese?

I came across 李飞 a while ago and really like the idea of it at a name, but I'm not entirely confident as to whether it would pass as a 'good name' (i.e. be recognisable as a name and not seem overly ...
Mako's user avatar
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Best Websites for Mandarin Tutors

I'm looking for some advice on the best website to book lessons with a tutor. I've been learning Mandarin on Duolingo for about six months, but I feel like I need more personalized instruction now. I'...
John's user avatar
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What's the tone change rule for when a two-syllable word is made up of the same exact third-tone syllable?

So I understand that in words like 妈妈,爸爸,弟弟,看看 and other two-syllable words made up of the same exact syllable, the second syllable almost always takes on the fifth, neutral tone. But what happens if ...
Ruben Diaz Jr's user avatar
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As an english speaker why do i hear the same initial T sound for 他 and 大? [duplicate]

I am mainly wondering as to what causes me to hear the initial of 他 and 大 when spoken by a native chinese speaker as a clear T. However, if a native speaker speaks 的 and 特, I clearly hear the initials ...
user55570's user avatar
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Help with the right version what the Chinese guy is saying

Recently during the lectures we've been listening to "China's Betting Big on Artificial Intelligence. Could the US lose the AI Race?" from YouTube. Certain video sections were in Chinese, ...
Yustus's user avatar
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Mandarin music with clear speech tones

As discussed in other questions, in a lot of Mandarin music the spoken. tones get lost which make it hard to understand or use for learning. Is there any well-known Mandarin music or music artists ...
Burrough Clarke's user avatar
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What is the meaning of 萝图荟萃?

《萝图荟萃》 is the title of the catalogue of the imperial map collection from 1760. However, according to various dictionaries, 萝 means "radish" which makes no sense in this context. Some ...
wra's user avatar
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Hearing the difference between 他 vs 大

When listening to normal conversation or fast spoken Mandarin chinese, can native speakers still hear the aspiration in 他 vs 大, particularly if relying only on sound or what is heard? As an English ...
user55570's user avatar
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Can「文化」replace 「學歷」in a sentence?

I watched a Chinese documentary program, a woman told the interviewer:「我父母都沒什麼文化,所以祇能做一些低薪的勞力工作」 My reaction was "She couldn't really mean to say her parents are uncultured". Judging from ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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Hearing difference between 那里 and 哪里

Of course it is the fate of any native speaker of English to struggle with tones. And I suppose I should be happy I have begun with Mandarin, which is far less extravagant in its tone system than are ...
Paul Tanenbaum's user avatar
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Are there any patterns for which tone is used for each Mandarin character?

From both a practical learning perspective and an interest in linguistics, I want to know whether there are any common patterns or "rules of thumb" that influence which tone is assigned to ...
ybull's user avatar
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的 at the end of the sentence (ex: 蠻有趣的)

這篇文章蠻有趣的。 Why is there a 的 at the end? Could anyone explain the grammar to me? Thanks!
Joy 's user avatar
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Understanding how natives speak with multiple subjects (Mandarin)

In English, if I wanted to say: "Today I practiced Chinese with an employee" the other subject (employee) can properly come last in the sentence. Of course I can also say "Me and an ...
Adrift's user avatar
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Use of 空降兵 in net language

This particular word has been a sore spot for me. 空降兵 I know it literally translates as Paratroopers. like Air raiders or smth. but I heard its also an internet slang. Id love to know what it means.
River One's user avatar
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How to understand 之所以

I’m reading Randall Munroe’s “What If 2” in Mandarin. (It’s the author of the popular cartoon There’s a chapter about placing a house-sized Jupiter in the middle of a neighborhood. The ...
blackgreen's user avatar
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usage of 几乎 vs 几乎要

I just spent an hour of class trying to figure out the difference between: "这辆车几乎 撞 到我了" and "这辆车几乎 要撞 到我了". The only differnence is 几乎要 and not 几乎. The teacher kept saying ...
Xue's user avatar
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Does Chinese have idiomatic equivalents of "a regular" and "the usual"?

In English there is an idiomatic noun sense of "regular" for a regular customer. Somebody who regularly dines/drinks/etc at the same café/restaurant/bar/etc: That guy is a regular, he comes ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Is 林心鹭 a good Chinese name?

I’ve been looking to find a Chinese name and I found somewhere on a website the name “心鹭”. I instantly loved it because herons are my favourite birds so it’s meaningful for me, but I’m not sure if it ...
LuLu's user avatar
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Can anyone help me check if the translation I made is correct?

Guy 1: Good morning, everyone. I’m News Anchor (name), and welcome to Weather Weather Lang. Today is April 6, 7AM and we’ll look at the city weather forecast. Reporter (name), how’s the weather today? ...
Potato Munchkin's user avatar
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Does translate actually have it backwards - 别人在睡觉时的我?

Google translate looked at this: 别人在睡觉时的我 And said it means: me while others are sleeping is that correct or should it be: Others while I am sleeping.
user55570's user avatar
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What is the difference between shénme 什么 and nǎ 哪?

I can not really understand the difference and found no article about it. Example : 你叫什么名字?Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi? 他们是 哪 国人? Tāmen shì nǎ guó rén? Thanks !
Meriole's user avatar
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How is the pronunication of 为什么呀?

I was watching this youtube lesson And shortly into the video the boy says: 为什么呀 But it certainly sounds more like: "wei r meya" Did I hear that ...
user55570's user avatar
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Does this sentence make sense? 我打算工作在一个网站会完了在四月十五

I thought something like: 我打算工作在一个网站会完了在四月十五. Pinyin Wǒ dǎsuàn gōngzuò zài yīgè wǎngzhàn huì wánliǎo zài sì yuè shíwǔ. English: I'm working on a website that will be finished by April 15th. Even ...
Adrift's user avatar
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Pronoun for human babies in Mandarin?

In English we can use the impersonal pronoun "it" for babies: She gave birth to a baby, but unfortunately it died to illness shortly after What pronouns are appropriate to use in Chinese? ...
minseong's user avatar
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How do I ask for more meat or rice?

Friendly auntie at more workplace only knows Mandarin. Was wondering how do I ask for more meat/rice. Thanks!
Franz Lime's user avatar
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那透明的心 - transparent heart?

What is a transparent heart in the context of the chorus lines of the song 致你 by 苡慧? Transparent in the sense of being visually transparent or some other sensory perception? The chorus lines are: ...
user55570's user avatar
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Use a car as a scooter? 作为代步车?

Google translate tells me that 作为代步车 means "as a scooter". Is that what it means in this sentence: 我想买一辆二手的马自达作为代步车
user55570's user avatar
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What is with the characters 覆, 復, 複, 复? Are they all the same ? They appears to have overlapping meanings in dictionaries but not 100% equivalent

What is with the characters 覆, 復, 複, 复? Are they all the same? They appears to have overlapping meanings in dictionaries but not 100% equivalent for some reason. Normally characters may have 1 ...
HoaPhan's user avatar
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Main utilisation of 过

I'm working on a lexicon for the main Chinese characters, and I only have a few words to give a meaning. I am wondering about the two main significations of the character 过. All dictionaries online ...
faure's user avatar
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Can anyone explain the sentence structure for prepositions and using adjectives/numbers and measure words?

It's hard to remember where 有,在 and prepositions go. I'm also not sure how I would add adjectives to do with colour/size/numbers would go in the sentence.
tva_learner's user avatar
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what is the meaning of 都不甘于平庸 in the song 致你 by 苡慧?

The line 都不甘于平庸 seems to be speaking of a degree of confidence, and a will to demonstrate it. But the lines before and after it, don't seem to support this interpretation. How is it best to read this ...
user55570's user avatar
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Which verbs allow time words to come after?

I notice some verbs like 会 and 将 among some others can be placed before time words. Like in my sentence below, an example: 我将在十一点半给你打电话, 好的? - Pinyin: (Wǒ jiàng zài shíyī diǎn bàn gěi nǐ dǎ diànhuà, ...
Adrift's user avatar
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Use of 儿话 in Mandarin

I've noticed recently that the use of 儿 differs depending on the dialect but I'm not too sure why. It is present in 普通话 (Standard Chinese) and some gov docs, as well as taught to L2 learners, but ...
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Is there statistics on the frequency of individual pinyin syllables in real texts?

I'm interested in the frequency of pinyin syllables (both when including tones and toneless). This implies the usage in real text, weighted by the occurrences in the corpus, not by parsing a ...
Alexander Z.'s user avatar
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Translation of the sentence 我向我的女朋友学习

I wanted to say, I've been learning (Chinese) from my girlfriend. I thought it would be something like: 我在学习从我的奴朋友 (Pinyin: Wǒ zài xuéxí cóng wǒ de nú péngyǒu) Which Google Translate funnily ...
Adrift's user avatar
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How can I install Shuangpin in Rime for Traditional Characters only?

I am on a Windows 10 PC. I have installed the Zhengma method on RIME and have been using it for the past few months. But I want to try practicing with Shuangpin (aka Double Pinyin) since its easier on ...
Capdaflag loves Mandarin's user avatar
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Help translating this sentence: "They're speaking a different language"

I've run this through Google translate, and received this: 他们说的是不同的语言 Pinyin: Tāmen shuō de shì bùtóng de yǔyán I would have expected it to be something like: 他们说不同的语言 Pinyin: Tāmen shuō bu tóng de ...
Adrift's user avatar
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Need help with sentence structure/style: 当时, 我学习了更多关于中国的文化.。

Basically, I'm trying to say: "At that time I learned more about Chinese culture." Google Translate told me: 那时我对中国文化有了更多的了解。 Pinyin: Nà shí wǒ duì zhōngguó wénhuà yǒule gèng duō de liǎojiě. ...
Adrift's user avatar
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Would this make sense when approaching a customer? 你需要帮助吗? 好的, 如果你需要某物, 告诉我

Let's say the customer is shopping in a furniture store and they only speak Chinese. If I approached & said 你需要帮助吗? 好的, 如果你需要某物, 告诉我. would it sound natural? (Assuming tones/etc are good). ...
Adrift's user avatar
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Using 那 particle similar to how 所以 is used when asking series of questions?

I watch a lot of Mandarin Corner on YouTube and the style of her videos are to basically interview subjects in Mandarin dialect. I notice when she goes from questions to question, she will use 那 and ...
Adrift's user avatar
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erhua in loanwords — 模特兒 mótèr?

OK, so I was browsing Wiktionary — as one does — and found out about the word 模特兒 'model', which is apparently pronounced mótèr, with just 2 syllables. there's also an alternative pronunciation, mótè'...
matias's user avatar
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Is there a "w" sound in 谁 like Shwéi or is it just Shéi?

When I listen to native speakers I can sometimes hear a "w" sound in 谁 Like it was "shwei". Or is it just "Shéi"? Which is correct?
user55570's user avatar
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What are some free eBooks to help my kids learn Chinese?

My son, who is 6 years old, really loves learning Chinese now. I want to find some free Chinese teaching e-books for my children. What resources did you use if you learn Chinese? Please share it, ...
Amy Stewart's user avatar
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How to translate website moderator?

What's the proper translation for "moderator"? As in website moderator, e.g. Chinese.SE moderators. Some dictionaries suggest 版主, however this appears to be more suitable to "(live) ...
blackgreen's user avatar
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Simplified Chinese and compatibility with spoken Chinese language: How it works with iOS (VoiceOver) and Android (TalkBack)

I'm designing a Multi-language app and a major user group is Chinese speaking people with disability. The app will be on both iOS and Android. I don't speak or read any chinese language. The app ...
Sylvia Dante's user avatar

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