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Is the final particle 夫 a fusion of 不乎?

I read this in Pulleyblank's Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar, where he said it is a maybe. In Old Chinese (OC), they have the following initial and rhyme groups with Baxter-Sagart reconstructions:...
lilysirius's user avatar
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seal character identification request is anybody on here qualified to do so thanks

seal identification request [![enter image description here]seal identification request 2]2part of the seal on a painting various experts cannot translate the writing symbols is anybody on here ...
Warren Hiffington's user avatar
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Timeframe for Learning Ancient Chinese

As a complete newbie to the Chinese language, I would like to ask the following questions. What is an approximate time for learning enough of the Chinese language to be able to read something like ...
MadPhysicist's user avatar
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What did Eastern Han Chinese sound like?

As I was improving an answer to this question in the History SE, I discovered that the prestige Luoyang dialect of the Eastern Han and Three Kingdoms period didn't actually fall under Old Chinese but ...
lly's user avatar
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Word count in Classical Chinese vs English

Apologies if the title isn't clear, I'm not sure how to express this. I'm trying to establish roughly how many words a Classical Chinese text results in, once translated into English. Classical ...
Matt S.'s user avatar
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What were the tools that Chinese teachers could use in China before the introduction of Zhuyin and Pinyn

I am interested in any answer to that question. I already found a few elements in the older question How were Chinese characters taught to Chinese children before the introduction of pinyin? I have ...
faure's user avatar
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What's the meaning of 登假 in old daoist scriptures like Zhuang Zi?

In the old daoist text Zhuang Zi, we see 登假 at least twice in the Inner Chapters (5.1 and 6.2). In the first part, it gives the meaning of departure and "going up" (to isolation in the mountains? To ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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What is the ancient Chinese one-character name for woman like '子’ means man?

青青子衿,悠悠我心。但为君故,沉吟至今 Here: 子,对对方的尊称 子 implicitly implies the poem is addressing a man. The poem talks about how a lady misses a man. I just wonder if there is a corresponding word for Chinese. (i.e. ...
Lost1's user avatar
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