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What is the hidden meaning of "mi mi", the Chinese word for secret?

The English word is "secret" The Chinese word is "秘密" I found 禾 means grain, 必 means must. The second character has 宀 (mián) roof,必 (bì) must and 山 (shān) mountain. How does it all ...
vertis's user avatar
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What is the true pinyin pronunciation for this radical?

I'm trying to learn a new method for learning and understanding chinese characters. So, I decided to start with memorizing every chinese radical. I'm use two different source but both wrote two ...
Okay's user avatar
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Meaning of 纸 in radicals

I was asked this in my Chinese class and have to write a mini paragraph on it: 解释一下“纸”这个字部首是什么?最早纸是什么意思? I know that the first part of 纸 means 丝绸, but what does the second part of the character ...
space's user avatar
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Should 屋 and 居 use radical 户 instead of 尸?

户 means home. So these examples are not suprising: 房 fáng (house), 扁 biǎn (flat), 扇 shàn (fan [mostly used indoor]), 扉 fēi (door) 尸 means corpse, and it looks like it refers to tail or something ...
foobar's user avatar
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Which radicals are used mostly just as phonetic?

Some radicals do not seem to be commonly in use for their meaning, but only to convey pronunciation, as an answer to this question and many websearches revealed. Is that true for many radicals? Could ...
anonnymous's user avatar
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Radical meaning vs characters in use

The radical 阜 and its other form 阝, used on the left, supposedly means mound or dam. Looking at image web search hits for 阜 or 阝, I get nothing related to dam or mound. When I look up the Chinese ...
anonnymous's user avatar
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4 answers

When radicals make words does Chinese convey two layers of meaning all the time?

I can recognize and translate the 215 radicals. Now, I'm told radicals combine with each other and other characters to make words, and that some radicals denote sound for pronunciation of the word. ...
PostAc glyph doc's user avatar