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4 answers

Could this kind of a component-based null cipher be possible in Chinese?

I'm writing a story set partially in historic China, and it involves a network of secret agents who seek to communicate over the mail in innocuous-looking letters. So I need a description of a pen-and-...
KeizerHarm's user avatar
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What are characters called when they have three of the same radical used?

I sometimes encounter characters like 鑫, which is made of three 金 radicals, or 龘, which is made of three 龍 radicals. What are they called and is there a reason for their existence? Ive tried looking ...
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3 answers

Are there characters in which the radicals are the same but the position changes the meaning?

Are there any characters in Chinese that have the same radicals in their formation, but the position of those radicals result in different meanings. e.g. A character made up of two radicals, AB, and ...
Erty Seidohl's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Dog radical (犭) for non-Han ethnic groups

As far as I understand, the dog radical (犭) was used for all non-Han ethnic groups before the Chinese Communist Party took power on the mainland. Is there truth to that? If so: Why did the CCP stop ...
Kang Ming's user avatar
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11 votes
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Determine radicals for simplifed characters that lost their traditional form completely

Having read this question: How can one determine the radical for a given character?, it gave me another question. Since many simplified characters lost their original form (compared to traditional ...
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