Questions tagged [simplified-characters]

For questions about simplified Chinese characters (standardized in printing since the 1950s in mainland China). Not merely for questions which happen to be written in simplified Chinese.

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is 认 related to 人?

The verb "to know" 认 (rèn) is the simplified form of 認 (言 → 讠 and 忍 → 人). I'm not very familiar with the history behind simplifying characters, but I'm aware many characters generally have a ...
大胳膊雅各布's user avatar
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Sequence of Chinese characters for keeping track of days of the year

I wonder whether anyone has knowledge of any sequence of Chinese characters used for describing such a list (one character for each of the 365 days in a year). Such a list could be memorized by people ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
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Can someone please help me by translating this vertical group of Chinese characters and the smaller chop located on the left?

These characters are located beneath an antique (19th century?) Chinese ceremonial box that I own. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
AOD's user avatar
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List of components with their meanings published by a reliable source

I want to learn more about the meaning of the radicals of simplified chinese characters, because I feel that by knowing what each radical means, I can have a better understanding of the meaning of the ...
rdrg109's user avatar
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How can I find the Chinese meaning and possible characters for a Pinyin name (without tone marks)

I am trying to find out the Mandarin characters and the meaning behind a name, Most web sites I go to have very generic answers, if they answer at all. This thread doesn't answer my question ...
Tiger's user avatar
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Game 四加一 or 四紮 rules or origin unknown

I have read about this variant in the context of weiqi, however, I cannot find anything about it online. It's something about placing a combination of up to four stones as one move, but what about ...
Oleksandra's user avatar