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Questions tagged [traditional-characters]

For questions about traditional Chinese characters (predating reforms in the 1950s in mainland China, and still used in e.g. Hong Kong and Taiwan). Not merely for questions which happen to be written in traditional Chinese.

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Where does the dot in the simplified character 书 come from?

From what I have been able to gather the simplified character 书 derives from a cursive(草书)form of the traditional character 書 or its clerical script (隶书) precursor. But where does the final dot ...
Vegawatcher's user avatar
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Wish to know details of some text found in a book such as the dynasty and style (vernacular/白話 or classical/文言文)

I am linking a PDF of an old Chinese book below on Google Drive. Any context you can give about the book would be appreciated, such as whether this is modern or old Chinese and what type of work it is....
Vic K's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does "干脆" has the "干" in it?

I came across the sentence: 既然都变成这样了 那就... 干脆... Basing on context, 干脆 is used to express the following: No chance but to... (毫无选择/只好这么做) Might as well... (还不如) Directly (直接) However, upon ...
Zorua Kuma's user avatar
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I'm currently reading a romanized, english map of China from 1912. I'd like to modernize the locations. How should I go about it?

I'm reading a map from 1916 that has outdated romanization and location names. While I am easily finding the bigger towns, cities, and districts I struggle when it comes to the more minor towns. I'm ...
F35H's user avatar
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Translation of characters

Good Morning , could anyone translate this for me please, inlaid on a bronze vase which may be from the Song Dynasty Thankyou Philip
Pip Schofield's user avatar
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not sure this is chinese, can anyone tell me what it means? I was told it is a symbol for heaven

can you tell me what this means and what language it is?
Ronnie's user avatar
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The walk radical in Traditional Chinese

When writing characters with the "walk" radical, sometimes I saw it with one dot, sometimes I saw the version with two dots, are there any differences? Is there a convention of the choice ...
fluter's user avatar
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I'm having a problem translating the signature on this painting. Can anyone help?

**I have two paintings that*were definitely done by the same artist but I presume were signed with different forms of the artist signature. One is signed "Bai Shi Shen Ren" (Qi Baishi) but ...
AOD's user avatar
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Need help to decipher this Chinese calligraphy

Need help to decipher this painting Chinese calligraphy please.
Weikang Liang's user avatar
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What is the phonetic notation used in hong kong plate?

Taking an example, the place in Hong Kong called Tsz Wan Shan(慈雲山), the 1st character is Tsz, but in the cuhk's database, there is no such notation in the list of the initials/consonants(聲母), is the ...
fluter's user avatar
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can anyone translate any of this seal script on an old bronze please

Ancient Chinese Small seal script translation.
Pip Schofield's user avatar
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What is the difference between the characters "眞" and "真"?

The words "眞" and "真" are frequently used, but the word "眞" in the dictionary is not the traditional form of "真" (either in Hong Kong and Taiwan), and I have ...
數學硏究's user avatar
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What is the difference between two traditional Chinese characters of 为 - 為 and 爲? What about 𤔡?

This really let me get confused. When I use the built-in Simplfied-Traditional Chinese converter in my mobile phone and entered 为, it got 為. However, when I tried to look up this character in Xinhua ...
數學硏究's user avatar
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Reading of text on artwork

This text/name is from a piece of art, can someone help with the reading please?
3bancho's user avatar
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Is 一條魚上面月亮 a valid translation of “(a/one) fish above the moon”?

I’m a (very) beginner Chinese learner trying to compose some basic sentences; I’m relatively sure I have the right classifier of 條 for 魚, but (among other things) I’m particularly unsure if using 一 is ...
Evelyn CH's user avatar
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How did 發 and 髮 got written as 发 in simplified form?

Came across the character 发 (fā/fà; issue, dispatch, send out / hair) recently and I checked their traditional forms 發 and 髮. I wanted to know more about how 發 (fā; issue, dispatch, send out, emit [...
prismcool's user avatar
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3 answers

Can anyone give me an idea of how to understand [這-言+(血/(豕-一))]?

This archaic character is described in CBETA as [這-言+(血/(豕-一))] It does not seem to be in Unicode yet. I don't care about pronunciation, what would it mean? The context is 由斯經歷,保爾行途。取經早[這-言+(血/(豕-一))],...
Jayarava's user avatar
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Could this kind of a component-based null cipher be possible in Chinese?

I'm writing a story set partially in historic China, and it involves a network of secret agents who seek to communicate over the mail in innocuous-looking letters. So I need a description of a pen-and-...
KeizerHarm's user avatar
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Trying to find information on this silk painting - Presumably from 1666, made for the Kangxi Emperor

This painting was presented to us as follows: “Xia Summer”. With seals“Chen Quan Xi” and “Nam Ping Kangshi”. Dated 1666. I've figured out that this does refer to 'The year of the Fire Horse' which ...
Jordaens's user avatar
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Help me read this signature on the porcelain plate

I have bought a small bowl on the flea market it and it has this signature on the bottom. I am trying to figure out what is written there but I am neither Chinese or Japanese. Are you able to tell ...
Anna Aya Stefanowicz's user avatar
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Can someone help my identity this silk painting please

Hello I inherited 4 silk Chinese paintings and would love to know who made them and what the red stamps mean?
Sandy Lawrence's user avatar
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Could I use these words: "堂嫣" rather than "唐嫣" for a girl's middle and given name?

Could I use "堂嫣" rather than "唐嫣" as the middle and given name for baby girl ? Is it ok for use the word 堂 in the name ?
Steven Huong's user avatar
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I need help translating the inscription on this vase

I need help translating this inscription so I can hopefully date the vase.
Emily's user avatar
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Chinese translate

It’s a watercolor painting from my sister many years ago I just want to know what is say
Agrm's user avatar
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Automated Tools for Traditional Chinese Subtitles

What is the easiest way to transcribe subtitles in traditional Chinese for videos? Likewise, what about an easy way to synchronize traditional Chinese subtitles and include the subtitles as hardsubs ...
Kev's user avatar
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Can anyone help me with the identification of this mark which is located on the bottom of my porcelain bowl?

This underglaze mark assumed to be Chinese is located beneath a fine porcelain bowl that I own. I have no clues as to the actual translation. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
AOD's user avatar
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Old Seal help for an ignorant American

Have had this a long time, have tried previously to find info was unsuccessful. Any help would be appreciated I've looked up context clues in regards to types of horses, hair style of rider, floral ...
Eric Bolduc's user avatar
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4 answers

Sequence of Chinese characters for keeping track of days of the year

I wonder whether anyone has knowledge of any sequence of Chinese characters used for describing such a list (one character for each of the 365 days in a year). Such a list could be memorized by people ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
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Kangxi input only letting me type two keys before moving on? E.g I type RMMR for m4, but it gives me 叼可 instead?

This is presumably a simple issue with my keyboard usage. A dropdown for characters is offered after typing RM, but I should be able to type RMMR and have it know I mean m4, right? I am using ...
Quay Legg's user avatar
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Game 四加一 or 四紮 rules or origin unknown

I have read about this variant in the context of weiqi, however, I cannot find anything about it online. It's something about placing a combination of up to four stones as one move, but what about ...
Oleksandra's user avatar
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Unknown character/symbol/sign in a Taiwanese manhua - Resolved, thank you

Please, help me identify the meaning/purpose/origins of this symbol/sign/character? I suppose it might be used to describe emotions (like irritation or surprise?) or for onomatopoeia. However, I have ...
Oleksandra's user avatar
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轉子 In the context of Danganronpa…?

I was playing Danganronpa v3, the version from Taiwan. Tenko says “因為到這裡來以後,就沒什麼機會活動筋骨 所以轉子剛剛去體育館稍微嫩餘一下! “. What does “轉子“ mean in this context? I know “大轉子“ means trochanter in the context of ...
哈里森菲爾克爾's user avatar
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Hey, please can someone be ever so kind and tell me the meaning of this stamp? What does it mean in English (Characters Identified 夏至)

Please can someone tell me what this means in English please :)
Leah's user avatar
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What do these characters on an antique mural painting translate to? (Top middle and upper right are duplicates; only appear once)

This is a screen shot of closeups of each character / seal appearing in the lower left of an antique Chinese mural. The top middle and upper right are duplicates, only appearing once. The order in ...
Ben's user avatar
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3 answers

where to find 簡筆字?

I'm learning traditional Chinese, and have heard/seen examples of 簡筆字, like how 聽 can often be written as ⿰口耳 in Taiwan. Every time I try to look this up, I just get directed to the same Quora thread ...
Tosaku's user avatar
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How can I install Shuangpin in Rime for Traditional Characters only?

I am on a Windows 10 PC. I have installed the Zhengma method on RIME and have been using it for the past few months. But I want to try practicing with Shuangpin (aka Double Pinyin) since its easier on ...
Capdaflag loves Mandarin's user avatar
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Can anyone help me by translating the characters in this image?

These characters located at the bottom right corner of my silk painting, consist of a seal (which I believe could be the artist's chop) and cursive script located above the seal. I used filters to ...
AOD's user avatar
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What are characters called when they have three of the same radical used?

I sometimes encounter characters like 鑫, which is made of three 金 radicals, or 龘, which is made of three 龍 radicals. What are they called and is there a reason for their existence? Ive tried looking ...
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What does 飄過 mean in this context?

Was playing some game that usually has a decent amount of Chinese speakers and at the beginning of the match somebody spammed this: What would 飄過 mean here? I know it can mean to float but otherwise ...
user avatar
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Can someone provide a translation of this old HK smoking ad?

I came across this interesting smoking ad from Hong Kong, but while I understand a good number of the characters, its hard for me to piece together everything that is being said here: From what I can ...
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seal character identification request is anybody on here qualified to do so thanks

seal identification request [![enter image description here]seal identification request 2]2part of the seal on a painting various experts cannot translate the writing symbols is anybody on here ...
Warren Hiffington's user avatar
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Pinyin-based input method with tones for Taiwanese Mandarin in Windows

I am looking for a Pinyin-based input method for traditional characters on Windows, that allows me to force selecting the tone for learning purposes. E.g. entering le4 se4 should give 垃圾. Does ...
YellowSoul's user avatar
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How to read this and meaning

Just want to know how to read and meaning of this.
Polaris's user avatar
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How do I choose what traditional character variants I want on Windows 10?

I write Chinese with traditional characters as they are used in Taiwan, using Microsoft Pinyin IME on Windows 10. This mostly works fine, but sometimes Windows seems dead set on giving me a variant of ...
Rojetto's user avatar
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I am perplexed by this script. I believe it is Chinese, be appreciative if it could translate into English and/or give further meaning. att image [closed]

Old ink painting with characters that I would like to understand and be translated. I have various ink paintings with plants, animals and humans but have never understood the meaning of the characters....
Jasper's user avatar
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What the sentence means?

余憶童稚時,能張目對日,明察秋毫。見藐小微物,必細察其紋理,故時有物外之趣。………一日,見二蟲鬥草間,觀之,興正濃,忽有龐然大物,拔山倒樹而來,蓋一癩蝦蟆也。舌一吐而二蟲盡為所吞。余年幼,方出神,不覺呀然驚恐。神定,捉蝦蟆,鞭數十,驅之別院。 What I thinking is about, there it's a frog that ate the bugs. And somebody ...
jackson's user avatar
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What is "很秋" means?

I use google translation, but it says "very autumn" ? Sounds wired... I think it might be describe something for how it feels like. Because it use "很", it means very in Chinese ...
jackson's user avatar
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I am planning on getting a tattoo that says “Relentless” in Chinese. Would anyone here be able to tell me the correct characters?

I am planning on getting a tattoo that says “Relentless” in Chinese. Would anyone here be able to tell me the correct characters? Google translate's result is 狠, which also carries the meaning of &...
Jay's user avatar
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Hi I was planning on getting tattooed 'love yourself' in Chinese. Should I use '爱你自己' or '爱自己'?

Hi I was planning on getting tattooed 'love yourself' in Chinese. Should I use '爱你自己' or '爱自己'? Is there any difference and if so what are they?
Joseph's user avatar
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Could you help me translate this picture?

I got this picture frame as a present from my family, but I also really like the image even though I don't know what it means. I tried to find its meaning with google translate, and other image based ...
Noemi's user avatar
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