In the following passage there are a lot of 与. Please let me know if I understand each of them correctly. 公关人是客户**与**市场受众的纽带, 公关公司职员通过**与**媒体编辑或记者的联系和沟通,将客户的需求软性地传递给目标客户群。 Public Relation are customers' **and** market audiences' link, PR companies' staff connects **with** media editor or reporters's connection and links(?), gathers customers' requests (and) softly/subtly reach out to the target market (?? please correct me) 在**与**客户的接洽方面,公关公司一般**与**客户公司的公关部或市场部接口,而他们往往对生活的**具象品质**质比较看重,在个人形象和品味方面会较为在意。 **With** (?? No idea what 在与 is) customers' side of the matter, PR companies usually connects **with** customer's company's PR division or marketing division, furthermore they quite care about life's **figurative product** (?? what is 具象品质?), fairly care about a person's image and interests (?) By the way do people actually speak like like this in oral conversation? Thank you very much