**犬儒** **KEY** defines it as: >cynic (esp. as Greek philosophical school) and **汉语大词典** defines it as: >原指古 希腊 犬儒学派的哲学家。他们提出绝对的个人精神自由, 轻视一切社会虚套、习俗和文化规范, 过着禁欲的简陋生活, 被当时人讥为穷犬, 故称。后亦泛指具有这些特点的人。 Here’s an example of usage by 鲁迅: >《小杂感》 >蜜蜂的刺, 一用即丧失了它自己的生命;犬儒的刺, 一用则苟延了他自己的生命。 Which translates to something roughly like: The sting of a bee, once used terminates his life; the sting of a cynic, on the other hand, is able to prolong his existence. Andrew Stuckey translation: >Once a bee uses its sting, it loses its life immediately. Once a cynic uses his sting, he drags out his life momentarily.