In my comment to one of the other answer: > *愤世嫉俗 is in Google Translate result for 'cynical'. The fact is -- 愤世嫉俗 is mostly an attitude generated by emotional frustration; while 'cynical' is an egoistic thinking manifest itself in a sarcastic attitude toward the world.* I think **尖酸刻薄** (sarcastic / cynical) is a good translation because it only describes the attitude itself, unlike 愤世嫉俗, the motive of being 尖酸刻薄 is unstated. >[尖酸刻薄][1] >说话带刺,待人冷酷,不给人丝毫回旋的余地,使人感觉没有人情味 >Speak thorny, treat people cold, do not give the slightest room for maneuver. Give people an impression of no human touch. [1]: