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Literary Chinese (文言文 wényán wén, "text of written language"), a traditional style of written Chinese modelled on the classical language, making it different from any modern spoken form of Chinese.

1 vote

Can 之 refer to an object not previously mentioned?

Can 之 refer to an object not previously mentioned? yes 請以戰喻・填然鼓之 let me take an illustration from war. The soldiers move forward to the sound of the drums legge’s translation missed “填然”, the co …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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2 votes

Meaning of 不之禁也 in context

(tolerated/forbidden???) which meaning of 禁 to pick well, an interesting uncertainty 😹 the traditional “chinese” education style, private school (私塾), is a repressive environment. children attend …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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2 votes

Purpose of 者 in (noun)者,所(verb)也 structure

noun 者・所 verb 也 in such structure, the “者” served two purpose: indicate a pause as a modal particle, to adjust the mood, or flow of the verse in 禮記 禮運 故君者・所明也 Hence the ruler is he to whose brig …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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Which 魏 did 蘇軾 mean in 上神宗皇帝書?

如魏,則外輕而內重。 內重之弊,必有奸臣指鹿之患 it referred to 北魏、東魏、西魏 collectively; briefly 北魏(386-535)是北朝時期的第一個朝代,由拓跋珪所建立 高歡 . . . 另立孝文帝曾孫元善見為帝,建都鄴城(今河北臨漳),史稱「東魏」 西魏(535-557). . . 由宇文泰擁立孝文帝孫子元寶炬為帝,與高歡所掌控的東魏對立 the …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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3 votes

Origin of Chinese Parable: Devils and Righteous Man

claiming this parable has chinese origin is doubtful. several themes in the text are very un-chinese, against the customs & culture: 1 "travelling through the country" 2 such travelling with a guide …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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2 votes

how to search words / clauses in classical / literary chinese?

to search words / clauses (combinations of 2-9 characters) in classical / literary chinese, it's straightforward; if you know the methods, and able to visit the recommended sites {some of them are blo …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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4 votes

Problem in understanding classical Chinese sentences

對揚王休﹒用作尊彝 this verse come from the inscription on 免尊 對 - 報答, to requite 揚 - 讚揚, to praise 王 - the king, or ruler 休 - 樹蔭 shade of a tree --> 庇蔭 to shield --> 美德 virtue 用作 - ~ use for 尊彝 - 彝 …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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3 votes

將以求吾所大欲也 meaning of 將

i would interpret 將 in that sentence as "in near future" (即將). 抑王興甲兵.危士臣.構怨於諸侯.然後快於心與 王曰.否.吾何快於是.將以求吾所大欲也 mencius challenged 齊宣王, said "or (抑), your majestic (王) increases (興) armours (甲) and soldie …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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2 votes

Clipping the Emperor’s wings

well, the wiki had a different version of interpretation of the event of “御史安維峻“. “御史” is a “censorate official” in imperial china’s civil bureaucracy “安維峻”, the romanisation would be (pinyin): an, …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

how to search words / clauses in classical / literary chinese?

this question is made, and answer provided; in lieu of a long comment. though info might be controversial (from that area's view), i sincerely hope that it's helpful to anyone interested in chinese la …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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3 votes

Why put a comma in 告纣之罪于天,及殷民?

well, read the preceding verses together as: 周公把大鉞・召公把小鉞・以夾武王・釁社・告紂之罪于天・及殷民 roughly, mr 周 was holding a big battle-axe, mr 召 was holding a smaller battle-axe, 武王 was standing in between (周公把大鉞・召公把小鉞 …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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1 vote

Why is there 之 in 夫不觀之⋯乎?

first of all, the text quoted is, . . . bad literary chinese, imo 夫不觀之力學乎。以助力器運重者。力省則時必費。時省則力必費 read it as: alors (夫 —> 文言文中的發語詞,表提示作用), can’t (不) [one] observe (觀) such moral (之) [from] mechanics? …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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4 votes

Is my interpretation of "向右往后勾提。至甲势已背时" correct in the context of Tai Chi?

first of all a two-person push hands sequence the mentioned verse is of sparring (散手), not push hand (推手) 甲 is the left man, grey cloth; 乙 is the right one, white cloth 乙被掤・乘勢含胸拔背・向右轉腰坐腿・右手刁住甲右腕・向 …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

how to translate "何如" in 呂氏春秋?

this question is made, and answer provided; in response to a comment in another question: How to translate the phrase 利而物利章 in context? cause, my explanation is too long to put in the comment area; …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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4 votes

how to translate "何如" in 呂氏春秋?

there're 7 occurrences of "何如" in 呂氏春秋:何如 translate "何如" as "how" is appropriate, in some of them. 1 季冬紀﹒不侵 …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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