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For questions about vocabulary, i.e. a set of words, as a whole. NOT for questions about meaning or translations, even when more than one word or phrase is involved.

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Is the rendering of 相 into English as "mutual(ly)" sensible?

少欲者﹒少欲俱﹒相類﹒相聚﹒相應﹒相可 少欲 is alpeccha, so 少欲者 is someone who has little or moderate wishes. 俱 is 俱全 (completely). 少欲俱, is completely full of alpeccha. a math equation metaphor:a1+a2+a3+a4 = a (1+ …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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Usage of 非不 in Middle (?) Chinese

色生﹒生故計是我﹒非﹒不生 the logic is: if a=true, then b=true 非 is used to indicate condition a = false, 不 is to show that condition b = not true. so, rūpa, (色, one of pañca-skandha 五蕴) appears (生), by t …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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下残 in text on "Jesus-sūtra" (景教)

it should be treated as remark by someone, that the original text had missing characters / texts.
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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4 votes

What does phrase 死牢 refer to?

死牢 is a place for death sentence prisoner
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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Toponims of China limitrophing countries

Is there any special name for, say, Indochina, Philippines, Malaisia and Indonesia? ancient chinese names of kingdoms / nations in this area, here're some: 安南, 占城 ~ somewhere in today's vietnam …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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What is the real original of 微妙在智,触类而长 ,玄通阴了, 巧夺造化

the 四庫全書 (imperial collection of four), 文淵閣 version, had the book 葬書. the author was marked as "郭璞" of 晉 dynasty. my mistake here, as another comment indicated, the last fourth character is "功", not …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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What is this exclamation and how is it written?

Aye yai ya sounds like "哎也也",142082,142600 the lah at the end, well, a common singlish term: "啦" then, the "sin soco", no ideas yet, any more hin …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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Does 秩 mean 俸禄 or 品级 in 加秩二等?

賜金帛・加秩二等 the story is from 太平廣記・精察一・蘇無名; happened in 唐 dynasty. according to 通典・職官十七・祿秩, division 15: 貞觀二年制,有上考者乃給祿。其後遂定給祿俸之制:以民地租充之。京官正一品,七百石。從一品,六百石。正二品,五百石。從二品,四百六十石。正三品,四百石。從三品,三百六十石。正四品,三百石。從四 …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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What to call this style of chinese teapot/winepot handle?

i think this style is called “提梁壺”, roughly means “lifting roof beam kettle” that the handle of the kettle is like a roof beam, above the kettle body further, it’s “硬提梁”, that the handle is made toget …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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Did the name "白俄罗斯" exist in Chinese before 1991?

the internet archive has the book 瀛環志畧, in volume 4, "白峩" was used to translate belarus: this book was published in 1849. the 峩 (u+5ce9) w …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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How do you write, "one who does good" in Classical Chinese?

since “classical chinese” is specified, i would recommend: 積善離殃 夫積者,accumulate 也;善者,goodness 也 離者,leave 也, go away 也;殃者,禍也,disaster 也 but what should the subject be? in classical chinese, subject of …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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3 votes

What percentage of Chinese words are 1-character ? ... 2-character?

an unscientific approach: the 國語辭典 , of taiwan, has about 164489 entries, using grep + wildcards, one may find: 12540⋯7.62% are 1 character entry (^.$) e.g. 八, 扒 87516⋯53.20% are 2 characters entry ( …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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Does a Chinese character almost-always represent a word?

的 is exception? you're kidding :( the initial meaning of 的 is "bullseye of target for archery" you must define …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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In mathematics, how to express "两者不能同时成立"?

are you looking for "contradictory", in mathematic, it would be: "contradictory opposite" "矛盾否定" "contradictory propositions" "矛盾命題" 教育研究院, of taiwan has documentations of bilingual academic terms, …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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How would you interpret: "你的美如日; 你的智若猫头鹰"?

i would suggest: 其妍也﹒如冬之日﹒和煦可人 其智也﹒若夜之鴞﹒慎默覃思 here's a brief explanation: his/her's beauty (妍), is like (如) the winter sun (冬之日), warm (和煦) & pleasant (可人) his/her's wisdom (智), is like (若) an owl …
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