5 votes

Difference between 地 and 得 in 他很難過[得/地]哭起來了

I've made a few modifications to the sentence to show the differences between the two. sense/act + 得 + outcome 他難過"得"哭了起來" = He felt bad and started to cry. ("哭了起來" is a ...
r13's user avatar
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What exactly is the difference between 哲 and 喆?

The average speaker will likely recognize 喆 as it is used in person names, but will not recognize it as a variant of 哲.
user2249675's user avatar
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what is the difference between 困惑 and 糊涂

困惑 - Puzzled. A person can be very smart but be puzzled by a question. 糊塗 - Confused, mistaken. It generally indicates the state of mind of a person. An elderly person is more likely to get confused ...
Fred Liu's user avatar
4 votes

What's the difference between 明白了and 知道了?

明白了sounds a bit more polite than 知道了. It's subtle but if you are losing your patience and want the listener to stop repeating him/herself immediately, use 知道了. If you want to politely assure the ...
user3528438's user avatar
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What's the difference between 既然 and 鉴于?

First, 既然 can only be used as a conjunction word, but 鉴于 can be a proposition and take a noun phrase complement as well. Correct: 鉴于目前的情况,我们先不行动。 Incorrect: 既然目前的情况,我们先不行动。 However, note that 既然 can ...
user2249675's user avatar
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What's the difference between 明白了and 知道了?

These are my opinions, 我明白了 = I understand (what you were saying) now. 我知道了 = I hear you/okay, fine.
r13's user avatar
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What is the difference between 尽力而为 and 全力以赴?

The difference between these two is about the attitude toward something with low confidence: 尽力而为:Because I am not confident about something, all that matters is that I have tried my best. Failing is ...
trisct's user avatar
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What is the difference between 尽力而为 and 全力以赴?

力 in 尽力而为 refers to 能力 (ability); 尽力 (exhaust one's ability) 力 in 全力以赴 refers to 力量 (power); 全力 (with full power) 尽力而为 = Do the best within one's ability 全力以赴 = Do it with the utmost earnestness; go ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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What is the difference between 尽力而为 and 全力以赴?

尽力而为:try your best 全力以赴:whatever it costs, do it
Pedroski's user avatar
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Difference Between 玩意 and 名堂

They all have meaning of "trick", but have different source and also slightly different in tone. 玩意 is from spoken Chinese and source is little known. 名堂 has a clear source. 名 is name of ...
QooBee's user avatar
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Difference Between 玩意 and 名堂

这是什么玩意(玩艺/玩藝)啊? = 这是什么東西啊? - What is this (thing)? (Note, it indicates contempt toward a person - 你是什么玩意啊? - Who do you think you are?) 你在搞什麼名堂? = 你在玩什麼花樣? - What is the trick you are pulling/...
r13's user avatar
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房地产 和 不动产有什么区别?Moreover i want to know the correct pronunciation of 不 of 不动产

房(house)地(land)产 (estate) --> building and land property = real estate 不动(fixed location)产(estate) --> property that is fixed to a location, including building and land property = real estate ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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What is the difference between 使用 and 实用?

I don't believe 实用 can be confused with 使用 in any context 使用(v):to use 实用 (adj): practical 实際使用 (v)/(n)--> 实(際)(使)用 = acturally use/ practical use e.g. 实用之后证实无效 Proved to be ineffective after ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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2 votes

How to translate 我买了百多元

The words 买 and 花 do not have the same meanings. 买 is to purchase, but 花 is to spend. For example, (1) 我买了100元的苹果。= I bought 100 dollars apples. 100元的 is the adjective of the noun 苹果. (2) 我花了100元买苹果。= ...
PdotWang's user avatar
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Difference Between 玩意 and 名堂

玩意:thingamajig, wotsit, gizmo, gadget, whatnot 这小玩意儿开广口瓶挺好。 This thingamajig is great for opening jars. 名堂:result, achievement 你一直在搞什么名堂? What have you been up to? 你到底在搞什么名堂? What the hell are you ...
Pedroski's user avatar
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Difference Between 玩意 and 名堂

On its own, neither 玩意 (not serious) plaything/play idea = (not serious) thing/ idea, nor 名堂[title/name --> scheme] means "trick" Examples: 吸大麻這玩意我不喜歡 I don't like this smoking marijuana ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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What's the difference between 写下 and 记下?

What's the difference between 写下 and 记下? 记下 is recording. It is used for objective things, such as an event. When someone 记下 something, the person is an observer. 写下 is to put something in writing. 写下 ...
PdotWang's user avatar
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What's the difference between 写下 and 记下?

写下 means "write down". It can be any context, Example: 写下: "永別了"三个字 (O) 写下一封信 (O) 写下一首诗(O) 写下他的个人资料(O) 记下 means "record in writing". It mainly refers to putting ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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房地产 和 不动产有什么区别?Moreover i want to know the correct pronunciation of 不 of 不动产

For the pronunciation problem: yes, the standard pronunciation is to use the 2nd tone for 不. There is no exception here. 不 becomes the 2nd tone when the next character is 4th tone, and 动 is 4th tone.
user2249675's user avatar
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Difference between: 有多少个 and 有几个

有多少 = how many (approximately)? 有几个 = how many (exactly)? The former is used to quantify something, for which the exact number is less certain, or not as important.
r13's user avatar
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Difference between: 有多少个 and 有几个

多小 is wrong, 多少 is correct. I think chat gpt is right. 几 is more casual and often used in oral Chinese. If you need to write an article, use 多少 is better, more formal. (experience from student: If you ...
rinn玲's user avatar
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How is 有在 different from just 在?

you need to put it in a right perspective to understand this: 有(in this case 有在) is an affirmative to a question: 你有没有 have you ever whereas: without the 有, it's just a statement of a fact. more ...
LetterQuest's user avatar
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Pronouncing two words with same pronunciation(homophones)

If I say [naɪt], how would you know I meant "knight" or "night"? The same as in Chinese for different characters with the same pronunciation and tone as the samples brought up by ...
r13's user avatar
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What is the difference between 尽力而为 and 全力以赴?

全力以赴 means put all your strength into it, that is, the last stand and there is no way out. 尽力而为 means to do one's best and to do it by one's own strength. They all mean taking a positive approach to ...
LIFeng's user avatar
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What's the difference between 明白了and 知道了?

明白了 = Understood. 知道了 = Noted. / Acknowledged.
王博龙's user avatar
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What's the difference between 明白了and 知道了?

如果你问知道和明白之间的区别:我们可以知道一些我们不明白的东西,比如量子力学,但我们不能明白一些我们不知道的东西。 If you are asking about the difference between know and understand: We can know about something which we don't understand, such as Quantum ...
Pedroski's user avatar
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What's the difference between 去 and 来?

Both 来 and 去 can function as "to" before a verb, the difference is: Use 来 when the action is in front or very close to you Use 去 when the action is at a distance away from you Example: (...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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What's the difference between 没想到 and 想不到?

In general, the construction "verb + 不 + verbal suffix" can be paraphased in this manner: "I did try to do, by did not manage to get the expected result". For example: 我把裤子洗了三次,...
KK_Tse's user avatar
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What's the difference between 没想到 and 想不到?

沒想到 - something you should have thought of but didn't. [It is a surprise that...] 沒想到他不降反昇 - It is a surprise that he was not demoted but promoted instead. 想不到 - something that couldn't have thought ...
r13's user avatar
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Confused about 生气/着急/担心

It's a joke! I knew a woman, she told me, women often marry someone who is like their father! This young woman goes to her parents home, because her husband is sitting unresponsive in front of the ...
Pedroski's user avatar
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