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How to translate "没主见" or "没想法" to English?

Edit: How to translate "没主见" or "没想法" to English? The definitions of the two phrases have been listed here, The answer to your question is "Depends on context" Many ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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Does translate actually have it backwards - 别人在睡觉时的我?

The structure is modifier + 的 + head noun. The head noun is I, which is modified by others are sleeping. So it's not a general reference to I, but the delimited I at the time that other people are ...
lilysirius's user avatar
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Translation of the sentence 我向我的女朋友学习

For some reason, 从[person] is considered a grammar error in Chinese (this grammar point often arises as an exam question). My understanding is that after 从 we should add a place, not a person (...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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Translation of the sentence 我向我的女朋友学习

I've been learning (Chinese) from my Girlfriend. To reflect the "present perfect continuous tense", I propose the following sentences: 我一直從我女朋友那裡學英文. [一直 - all along; all the way; ...
r13's user avatar
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Translation of the sentence 我向我的女朋友学习

奴 means slave. If you want to type 女, you should type 'nv' in Chinese input method program. In my opinion, 'I've been learning (Chinese) from my Girlfriend' should be translated as '我已经在向我的女朋友学(中文)了'. ...
宋亚磊's user avatar
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How to translate "没主见" or "没想法" to English?

没主见 没主见是指一个人缺乏自己的想法和意愿, 没主见 refers to a person who lacks his or her own opinions and aspirations, 容易受到他人影响, who is easily influenced by others, 对他人的想法和意见过于以来, who depends too much on other people’s ...
Pedroski's user avatar
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Can someone please translate this photo for me?

观音慈福 观音 - Guanyin (Avalokiteśvara) 慈 - compassionate 福 - blessing
Tang Ho's user avatar
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How to translate "没主见" or "没想法" to English?

My thinking: 没主见 - lack/without own idea/set of view. For a person easily persuaded/manipulated by others.) 他是一個没主见的媽寶 - He is a "mama's boy" without his own ideas/set of views. 没想法 - ...
r13's user avatar
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Difference between "老", "旧" and "之前" when translating basing on the context?

It would help if you made the context more clear: A. There were lots of rats at my old house (where I used to live). - 我過去住的老/旧房子有很多老鼠. B. There were lots of rats at my old house (where I lived ...
r13's user avatar
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Difference between "老", "旧" and "之前" when translating basing on the context?

I think 以前 is better. You already pointed out the reason: 旧 and (especially) 老 can be ambiguous. For example, in 我现在住的老房子是1950年建的, the 老房子 is my current house. However, if 老房子/旧房子 is not ambiguous in ...
kyc's user avatar
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How to translate "没主见" or "没想法" to English?

This is a good question as it involves not just issues of language, (or cross translations thereof), but human thought processes and manifestation of such thoughts into actions or the taking of ...
Wayne Cheah's user avatar
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Difference between "老", "旧" and "之前" when translating basing on the context?

"老" & "旧" both mean old. However, "旧" mostly won't be used on living things like animals and human. For example, an old man is "老人" instead of "旧人"...
brian2lee's user avatar
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How to translate "没主见" or "没想法" to English?

There are many ways to translate 没主见/没想法 literally, as suggested in other answers, and they will be understandable in most contexts. However, based on the example sentences you provided, you could ...
Sanchuan's user avatar
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Why did "けっぱる", "You got this!" or "I got this!" got translated to "拼冲天"?

Based on the comments and searching online, the original けっぱるから could be a phrase for encouragement. It translates to I will kick it/我会踢它 けっぱる could possibly be a abbreviation/缩写. Directly translating ...
Zorua Kuma's user avatar

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