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the difference between two expressions 一直对自己坚持 and 一直坚持自己

Basically, both of them are incorrect. "一直对自己坚持" makes no sense, and "一直坚持自己" lacks a subject. Let's break them down into more digestible pieces: 一直: continuously; all along; ...
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the difference between two expressions 一直对自己坚持 and 一直坚持自己

Both sentences are wrong. 坚持 is a verb, the object of 坚持 (persist/ firmly hold) would always be an action or idea, something that can be persisted, held, or stuck to Example: 坚持罷工行動 - Continue the ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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the difference between two expressions 一直对自己坚持 and 一直坚持自己

一直坚持自己的意见: stubborn 固执成见,汉语成语, 固执成见,a Chinese saying, 拼音是gù zhí chéng jiàn, pinyin as gù zhí chéng jiàn, 意思是顽固地坚持自己的意见, (its) meaning is stubbornly, obstinately clinging to ones opinion 不肯改变。 refusing ...
Pedroski's user avatar
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Understanding why two complex clauses are forced to refer to past and future events, respectively

The future tense is implied by the 再, and because the second sentence (我写了信以后,再去公园) is future tense, we cannot add a completion 了 after 去. The 再 here is: 表示动作将在另一动作结束后出现 [My translation:] Indicates ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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Understanding why two complex clauses are forced to refer to past and future events, respectively

才 and 再 both mean "then", the key difference between sentences A & B is having or does not have 了 after the verbs: A is in the pattern of ["V1 + 了" + then + "V2 + 了"] ...
r13's user avatar
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Understanding why two complex clauses are forced to refer to past and future events, respectively

The difference is in the natures of 才 and再: 再:事情或行为重复,继续 : repeat or continue something or some behaviour 再:更,更加 once again 才: 表示只有在某种条件下或由于某种原因、 expresses only under some condition or because of some ...
Pedroski's user avatar
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Why is the term "呼吸" (breathing) structured this way? Instead of "吸呼"?

This is a reasonable question and I’ve seen the same question years ago on zhihu. According to the top answers (see this and this), the order of 呼 and 吸 is determined by the tones. 呼 is 平声 and 吸 is 入声....
kyc's user avatar
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What is the meaning of “即采即发”“边采边发”?

These 2 phrases mean the same thing: 即采即发: instant collection and dissemination 边采边发: on the one hand collect, on the other hand (simultaneously) disseminate
Pedroski's user avatar
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What is the meaning of “即采即发”“边采边发”?

.., but I'm not sure what 采 and 发 are referring to 即插即用(plug and play) is a technical jargon for electronic components with the function - "to be used (play) immediately after plug-in". ...
r13's user avatar
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What's the error in 阵阵鞭炮声使我的心兴奋起来,我跑到窗前,看美丽的烟花已铺满了天空?

阵阵鞭炮声使我的心兴奋起来,我跑到窗前,看美丽的烟花已铺满了天空。 The keywords in this sentence are 已...了, which means the time of "美丽的烟花铺满天空" is earlier than the verbs (actions) 跑到 and 看. Therefore, it must be 看到. I am ...
PdotWang's user avatar
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What's the error in 阵阵鞭炮声使我的心兴奋起来,我跑到窗前,看美丽的烟花已铺满了天空?

看 should be 看到. "到" means the action "看" is achieved/completed. For ex. - "我看到(一頭)牛(I see/saw a cow)" vs "我看牛(I watch/look at the cow)". (Note, 看着[kàn zhe] is ...
r13's user avatar
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What's the error in 阵阵鞭炮声使我的心兴奋起来,我跑到窗前,看美丽的烟花已铺满了天空?

There's multiple issues found in the sentence given. Although I can't exactly say that it is not understandable, I can say that it definitely isn't the best way to describe the scene. There's many ...
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How should I understand the grammar in 这孙瀛洲到底什么来历?

这孙瀛洲到底什么来历? The same as these short sentences - "你什么名字?"; "你什么意思?"; "他從高雄來的.", the sentence should be considered as "日常/市井/通俗口語", which, at times, is quite ...
r13's user avatar
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