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Unanswered Questions

187 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
7 votes
4 answers

Has there ever been an English translation of 《輶軒》"Fangyan"?

《輶軒使者絕代語釋別國方言》has a couple of different names including《方言》and《揚子方言》. In English it mostly just gets called Fangyan. The entire Chinese text has been put up on ctext. As the first Chinese dictionary ...
4 votes
3 answers

What are the Cantonese to English transliterations for 俊傑, 俊熙, 俊健, and 俊文? I found zeon3 for 俊. That does not sound right

What are the Cantonese to English transliterations for 俊傑, 俊熙, 俊健, and 俊文? I found zeon3 for 俊. That does not sound right.
4 votes
1 answer

Why is the boss called 老板?

The primary meaning of 板 is 'board'. So why does 老板 or 'old board' mean 'boss, chief'?
3 votes
1 answer

I need help identifying the characters on this artist’s seal (Characters identified: 南海)

I have this cool tshirt from the 1990’s and really want to know who is the artist. I actually lived in Guangdong for 4 years and have asked some friends but they cannot help. So… translation software ...
3 votes
1 answer

I am hoping to find any information available regarding this stamp (Characters identified: 福 日本館印)

This stamp is on an Enso circle that I purchased at auction. I'm hoping to find out any information that may be gleaned from it.
3 votes
1 answer

Seal on vase identification help (Characters identified: 工藝)

This is the seal on the vase I’m trying to identify. The picture is of a bird and flowers. Thank you!
3 votes
0 answers

Artist name and date of painting

What is the artist name and date of the painting? It’s ink on paper 7.5 in x 8 in.
3 votes
0 answers

Hoping to identify a stamp on a bronze that I have

I am hoping someone can help me identify the stamp on what I believe is a Chinese bronze crab.
3 votes
1 answer

Can you help identify seal markings?

I have over 40 ink paintings that I am trying to identify, flowers, fish, humans, horse etc. They are painted on very thin paper with Chinese writing.
3 votes
0 answers

雙注 Double zhuyin?

Feel free to skip to "Questions" below Background: I'm a cangjie typist and only really use phonetic methods when looking up new words I don't know the shape of. But I'm interested in double ...
3 votes
2 answers

Can you download the Hanyu Da Cidian (漢語大詞典) as E-book format or PDF?

Unquestionably, an e-book format is way more convenient than these physical volumes or CDs! Where can I obtain 漢語大詞典 as E-Book?
2 votes
1 answer

Learning Mandarin Chinese: Southern accent

I'm interested in learning Mandarin Chinese, but I'd like to learn from someone who uses more of a southern than northern accent. I've been having difficulties with this, as some of the southern ...
2 votes
0 answers

Evidence for "sab" meaning "thanks"?

In his paper, Implications of the Soviet Dungan Script for Chinese Language Reform, on page A-10 Victor Mair writes: Numerous expressions used in the daily life of Peking Muslims are still considered ...
2 votes
4 answers

Is there any evidence that 八 used to be pronounced bia?

I've heard from someone that 八 was at one point pronounced bia1 in old Mandarin. The topic came up when discussing the term biaji, a word for chewing loudly. I couldn't find any evidence for it, since ...
2 votes
0 answers

Could any one tell any information on these characters on a piece of bronze

Could any one tell any information on these characters on a piece of bronze

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