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zagrycha's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
2 votes

do words like 一般,习惯 and 经常 when placed before or after the Time clause change the meaning of the sentence?

2 votes

Glyph origin and meaning of 臤

2 votes

What is the difference between asking a question using 是不是 and 吗?

2 votes

What 新派-Cantonese Habits Are Considered Unorthodox By 老派 Speakers?

2 votes

千百亿 Is it literal or just a figurative form of a "Very Large Number"

2 votes

What is going on in the following clause? ( 是非成敗謊言面對糾纏 )

2 votes

Is the accent in the south that different?

2 votes

Pronoun for human babies in Mandarin?

2 votes

I am trying to understand 写

2 votes

Need help deciphering calligraphy on T-shirt (Characters identified: 龍鳳呈祥)

2 votes

Purpose of 了 in 有点儿贵了

2 votes

Is the first day of a week Monday or Sunday in mainland China?

1 vote

Can Chinese be learned by reading stories?

1 vote

Why do Chinese people complicate the matter in choosing the words for translation

1 vote

What's the most formal way to call a woman your aunt?

1 vote

The language function of "很" as non-adverb

1 vote

What is a English story similar to 此地无银三百两

1 vote

What is the Chinese word that is close to "humor" (幽默)?

1 vote

Etymology of 冰淇淋

1 vote

What is the glyph origin of 害?

1 vote

Someone said 24-hour time for 0215 can be 零二么五小時 --- Why would 么 be used instead of 幺? Havent these 2 characters been different for nearly 70 years?

1 vote

Is 杏仁 more likely to be almond or apricot kernel?

1 vote

How should I understand 不要说“你应该……”?

1 vote

Hey, please can someone be ever so kind and tell me the meaning of this stamp? What does it mean in English (Characters Identified 夏至)

1 vote

Is ~面(上面,下面) more common than ~邊(上邊,下邊) in Taiwan?

1 vote

How to say "cross across the crossy cross" in Chinese, or other "preposition-dense" phrases?

1 vote

What's the difference between 才 and 就?

1 vote

Use of final 的 (de) with the verb 會/会 (huì)

1 vote

Do any modern dictionaries use the original 214 Kangxi radicals?

1 vote

What's the difference between ...一..就../...了...就..?