Be careful, there is a group called 天地会, their slogan is 反清复明, just imagine you meet one of them.
You: 你好.
Member: 地镇高岗,一派溪山千古秀.
You: What?
Member: 这么说你不是我们的人了. 敢问高姓大名?
You: 复姓澹台, 灭明是也, 失敬失敬.
Member: 灭明? 看招.
You: ... (You died and you don't why...)
Today, the relations of 天地会 is still alive, e.g. 致公党 in main land, 洪门 in Taiwan, 三合会 in Hongkong, and many others in the Chinese community, of course they don't 反清复明 anymore, but I don't think they will like the name.
These are just kidding, no offense.
Seriously, that's not a good name.