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To answer your question: Yes, the phonetic part is valid in all the dialects, since the dialects are just thea variation of Mandarin Chinese, in which ancient Chinese people drew upon or in which they gave ideographic meaning to various objects and concepts in the environment. So in other words, Chinese dialects are "parallel" in a way.

To answer your question: Yes, the phonetic part is valid in all the dialects since the dialects are just the variation of Mandarin Chinese, in which ancient Chinese people drew upon or gave ideographic meaning to various objects and concepts in the environment. So in other words, Chinese dialects are "parallel" in a way.

To answer your question: Yes, the phonetic part is valid in all the dialects, since the dialects are just a variation of Mandarin Chinese, which ancient Chinese people drew upon or in which they gave ideographic meaning to various objects and concepts in the environment. So in other words, Chinese dialects are "parallel" in a way.

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To answer your question: Yes, the phonetic part is valid in all the dialects since the dialects are just the variation of Mandarin Chinese, in which ancient Chinese people drew upon or gave ideographic meaning to various objects and concepts in the environment. So in other words, Chinese dialects are "parallel" in a way.