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Classical Chinese (古文, Pinyin: gǔ wén, "ancient text") is the language of the classic literature from the Spring and Autumn period through to the end of the Han Dynasty, a written form of Old Chinese. The term is also used for Literary Chinese (文言文 wényán wén, "text of written language"), a traditional style of written Chinese modelled on the classical language, making it different from any modern spoken form of Chinese.

3 votes

word meaning of 回也其庶乎 in Classical Chinese

子曰・回也其庶乎・屢空 in 魏 dynasty, mr 何晏 explained as: 言回庶幾聖道・雖數空匱而樂在其中矣 then, in 宋 dynasty, mr 朱熹 explained as: 庶・近也・言近道也・屢空・數至空匱也・不以貧窶動心而求富・故屢至於空匱也・言其近道又能安貧也 afterward, in 明 dynasty, mr 胡廣 explained as …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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How can I put the understandability of classical Chinese and modern Chinese into scale?

in short, it's middle english. a long explanation, in general, roughly: i would define classical chinese as "text from bc770 to bc221 (春秋 - 先秦), afterward, it's literary chinese. there're big diffe …
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Tang Dynasty Inscription

interesting question :) i answered the easier parts first: 玄导时 the modern text should be interpreted as "玄導時代" the era (時代) of "玄導" (a monk's dharma name 法號) 母段, 妻扈 the surname of the mot …
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What is the purpose of 焉 in 「不近人情焉」?

"焉" is a particle (語氣詞) in the sample sentence. indicating 肯定, 疑問 or 感嘆:
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What does "明微推远,憭若蓍蔡" mean?

the 國語辭典 has the entry "蓍蔡", which stated: 比喻有先見之明的人 roughly, as a metaphor of "person with foresight" 上稽天時.下測物變.明微推遠.憭若蓍蔡 understand the tinniest (明微), able to predict long time ahead (推遠 …
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5 votes

How to identify 使動用法 in Classical Chinese?

the correct interpretation should be 使衆人誇贊[游者] (cause everyone to praise [the traveller]). imo, such interpretation is incorrect. 越無車﹒有游者得車於晉楚之郊﹒輻朽而輪敗﹒輗折而轅毀﹒無所可用﹒然以其鄉之未嘗有也﹒舟載以歸而誇諸人﹒觀者聞其誇而信之﹒ …
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Using 莫 in Song dynasty Chinese

問﹒普萬物﹒莫是以心周遍而無私﹒否 i would interpret it as : [someone] asked (問): “[about] generalising (普) everything (萬物), can it be that (莫 —> 莫非) [the universal] is using (是以) [its] heart (心) to all over (周遍 …
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2 votes

How can 盼 refer to black and white?

in 論語集解義疏 volume 2, by 何晏 (p108-110 of the pdf), the remark stated: 馬融曰・倩・笑貌・盼・動目貌・絢・文貌也・此上二句在衛風碩人之二章・其下一句逸也 mr 馬 [a scholar in han dynasty] said (馬融曰), . . . “盼” means “the appearance of moving eye …
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Need help deciphering this Classical Chinese from 《左传·襄公三十年》

the quoted text is from 傳 襄公二十九年 且先君而有知也毋寧夫人而焉用老臣 the last verses of a speech, said by “女叔侯” aka “女齊” i would chop it as: 且先君而有知也 . . . further (且) [if] the previous ruler (先君 —-> 晉悼公) knew about th …
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2 votes

What is the relationship 驩 required by the 大略 between husband and wife?

君臣不得不尊﹒父子不得不親﹒兄弟不得不順﹒夫婦不得不驩﹒少者以長﹒老者以養﹒故天地生之﹒聖人成之 i think that there's severe misinterpretation. the text is to emphasise the importance of saint's etiquette (聖人之禮法) the scanned copy in internet …
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How to translate 乎 in classical Chinese texts?

is it always true no. only when 乎 is at the end of a verse, then it might be interpreted as doubt, rhetorical question, or guess. …
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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Why there is "不” in “太极不是未有天地之先有个浑成之物,是天地万物之理总名否?”

the text from 朱子語類 卷一 理氣上 has the structure: a is not b, [because] a is c; isn’t it? 問﹒太極不是未有天地之先﹒有箇渾成之物﹒是天地萬物之理總名﹒否 it would be interpreted as: [someone] asked (問): “tai chi (太極) is not (不是) [ …
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What is the evidence that "Ospreys" are the birds in the first poem in the Shijing?

“關雎” is an ancient poem, isn’t it? I mean, we might treat it as a metaphor fuzzily, to save our life & time 😸 btw, there was a book named “毛詩品物圖攷”, written by a Japanese, in late 18 century; quite in …
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A quote from Lu Jiuyan - 不要即则 否

the quoted text is from 陸九淵集 李伯敏敏求所錄, at the end of paragraph 6: 先生云:「見得明時,何持之有?人之於耳,要聽即聽,不要聽則否。於目亦然。何獨於心而不由我乎?」 try read it as: 人之於耳 for homo sapiens, [everyone] can control [the function] their ea …
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0 votes

Difference between 也 and 者 as topic markers in Classical Chinese

Are they fully interchangeable, from a grammatical perspective? fully? no lah. only in some occasions, “者” could be read as “也” the quoted texts in the question, if one change “者” to “也”, or vice ve …
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