In my comment to one of the other answer:
愤世嫉俗 is in Google Translate result for 'cynical'. The fact is -- 愤世嫉俗 is mostly an attitude generated by emotional frustration; while 'cynical' is an egoistic thinking manifest itself in a sarcastic attitude toward the world.
I think 尖酸刻薄 (sarcastic / cynical) is a good translation because it only describes the attitude itself, unlike 愤世嫉俗, the motive of being 尖酸刻薄 is unstated.
cynical is an attitude. It is mostly expressed through the way someone speaks-- same as 尖酸刻薄.
Speak thorny, treat people cold, do not give the slightest room for maneuver. Give people an impression of no human touch.