Obviously, “交通”"交通" means transport or transportation in English. But in reality, there are various versions of the translation.
"交通银行“=Bank"交通银行" = Bank of Communications (One of the key five State-owned commercial banks of China).
"上海交通大学”=Shanghai"上海交通大学" = Shanghai Jiaotong University (One of the best colleges in China, offering a large number of degree majors besides those concerning transporttransportation).
"广西交通职业技术学院“=Guangxi"广西交通职业技术学院" = Guangxi Vocational and Technical College of Communications (One of the many such colleges co-sponsored by local education authorities and local transporttransportation authorities in China, with three-year diploma programs offered but no degree).
Why are they so different? Is there any principle for translation or nomaclaturenomenclature?
By the way, China's national transporttransportation authorities 交通部 now changed into 交通运输部, has its交通运输部. Its name in English first aswas "Ministry of Communications",but but now asit is "Ministry of Transport".