I am looking for two modern Chinese words to compliment a beautiful girl. Here are what I have found: 美女,宝贝,女神。are there any thing else?
The other words that I can think of, but doesn't really works are: 如花, 佳麗, 天仙, 淑女, 仙子. because you would not say this when you see a beauty: hey, 如花,吃饭没有?
And also, why are there so many 4-words Chinese phrases to describe a beauty? To name a few: 閉月羞花 沉魚落雁 傾國傾城 國色天香 天生麗質 清麗脫俗 花容月貌 明眸皓齒 美艷絕世........................................
Are Chinese scholars really into hot and cute chicks?