Here's the final excerpt from part one of 三字经 [1]:
父子恩 夫婦從 兄則友 弟則恭 長幼序 友與朋 君則敬 臣則忠 此十義 人所同
Simplified Chinese:
父子恩 夫妇从 兄则友 弟则恭 长幼序 友与朋 君则敬 臣则忠 此十义 人所同
Translation [2]:
Kindness between father and child,
harmony between husband and wife,
friendliness from elder brothers,
respect from younger brothers.
Precedence between elders and youngers,
support between friends,
Respect from the sovereigns,
loyalty from the subjects.
These ten obligations are the same for all.
I count only eight obligations in this excerpt. Where, then, are the remaining two that the autor of the poem speaks of?