I am hoping to find some resources (hopefully open-source) that allow to type similar to style expected from Chinese students in mainland/Taiwan/Hong Kong schools. If anyone knows Japanese kyōkasho tai fonts as well, they would also be appreciated.


1 Answer 1


Since the closest thing to handwritten forms for Chinese-language regulation is in the 楷書 (regular script) style, here are my suggestions:

The ROC (Taiwan) regular script font (TW-Kai-98) is a government-mandated standard, so you can be sure of its ability to represent the ROC (Taiwan) standard. The Hong Kong one (Free-HK-Kai_4700) is an open-source modification from TW-Kai-98, and they have regulated 4700 characters so far (roughly the total number of characters taught in Hong Kong schools).

EPSON has made a kyokasho font quite a while back which is free to download, but I haven't checked the license on its use. You can get the link at http://www.wazu.jp/gallery/Fonts_Japanese.html (CTRL+F epkyouka).

As an aside, it is not enough to use the fonts to get the correct character forms for each standard - you need to use the correct input method too. Using a Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan) IME is not appropriate (in an official governmental standard sense) to publish documents adhering to Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong), or vice-versa, because the suggested characters (Unicode codepoints) that display may be different across the IMEs, although the chance of an actual discrepancy happening is very, very slim.

  • Regarding the Epson font, the homepage states that it only can be used in Japan, on the OSes noted, together with the intended product. As such, it is not generally free for use. Commented Jun 4, 2019 at 23:43
  • And, TW-Kai-98 is open source. License: data.gov.tw/license Commented Jun 4, 2019 at 23:45
  • Just to clarify: are the versions at github.com/Jiehong/TW-fonts the same as the MOE-specified font? Also, accidentally found Microsoft bundles a "UD Digi KyoKasho" series - probably what's needed for Japanese. Commented Jun 19, 2019 at 12:54

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