A new puzzle for March 2021
Steal the bell while covering your ears (deceiving yourself that you are deceiving the others)
Revenge one's personal vengeance in the name of official business
Eating it means 'you are fired' (Cantonese custom)
Having the same aspirations and ideals
Superb craftsmanship
Received help but not return the favor
Match two parties together; act as a go-between
The castle gate is on fire (殃及池魚 上句)
If the water is too clean, there will be no fish (人至察則無徒 上句)
At old age that one's life is like a burning candle in the wind
Miserable wind and cold rain
Located at a high place looking down.(metaphorically in an advantageous position)
Like willow leaves swaying in the wind
No light is on (a common phrase in Cantonese)
Arrogant; conceited
Stir things up; create chaos
there's always someone better
Very old and will die soon
Die alone at old age
Know right from wrong
People have different ideal and goal cannot work together
To act recklessly regardless of right and wrong.
A. The power of a united people's will is as strong as a castle.
B. Bully around
C. Find a better job elsewhere
D. There's honor among thieves
E. Fire spread by riding the wind
F. Building, constructing in large scale
G. Surrender
H. Turbulent, extremely unstable situation
I. Prime minister
J. Coincidence
K. No wind and the water is calm (a metaphor for everything is calm and normal)
L. Take by defrauding or seize by force. Mostly used to describe the unscrupulous seizure of property or power, etc.
M. cruel
N. Heaven doesn't give him more years (die too soon)
O. Oustanding
P. Social worker
Q. Ip Man's birthplace 南方武術之鄉
R. When the water rises, so do the boats (a metaphor for people or things rise in value or status due to change of situations)
S. Damn old fool (Common term in Cantonese)
T. Secretly give and receive in private
U. Metaphors of corrupted people have the same characteristics everywhere in the world.
V. Voice your objection when there's injustice
W. Know the fact but not reporting it to the authorities
X. The night is dark and the wind is high
Y. Like fish in the water
Z. Confused; not knowing the truth